Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas in the City



We had a whirlwind Christmas in Michigan with four busy, but very fun days. A lot of family time, wonderful meals, cookies, good wine, martinis, music, games and safe travels from the east side of the state, to the west side and then back again. The majority of our visit was spent in Grand Rapids with our daughters, son in law and Megan's new in laws who have become both friends and family. We traveled quite a few miles by car and walked around the city even more. Coats, scarves and gloves were worn by this Florida resident, but the temperatures hovered right around freezing, so it wasn't too bad and the only snow we saw was (appropriately) a few pretty flakes on Christmas morning.

We usually spend our time in the suburbs, but this holiday, were able to experience a Christmas in the city (Grand Rapids) and it was very special. The decorations and lights were so beautiful to see, both walking around and from the 22nd floor condo we stayed in. It was a Merry Christmas indeed.






No photos of our Saturday night, welcome to Grand Rapids dinner at Wheelhouse Kitchen, but the next morning we went back to the location of Megan and Adam's wedding reception for brunch. The Grand Rapids Downtown Market was beautifully decorated for Christmas, but it also brought back so many wonderful memories of that joyful August day. There was a Bloody Mary bar at the restaurant ( Social Kitchen) and that always makes me a happy girl.





Christmas Eve Brunch - my side of the family. My parents were able to come to my sister's home from the nearby assisted living facility were they reside, so that made the day even more special.






Christmas Eve - music, Christmas lights, a good bottle of wine and a delicious prime rib dinner, all enjoyed overlooking the city views. And, there were (big) Godiva chocolate martinis involved, hence the silly photo.






Christmas Day started with breakfast and presents in Grand Rapids and ended at a casual holiday gathering with my husband's side of the family, back in the Detroit area. It's always a fun time and as usual we played a game that got everyone involved and a little loud too.

As you read this, I am back in the sunshine and hoping the next time I see everyone will be when the spring time visits to Florida start happening soon.

Have a wonderful weekend and New Year's celebration.



  1. It looks like a wonderful visit. (You reminded me I haven't been to Downtown Market in too long!). All festive and beautiful. Good to have you back in Michigan, if only for awhile! Merriest and Happy New Year!

  2. I sure looks like you had a couple of great celebrations while up north! Loved ones help make Christmas bright... and the Bloody Mary bar and Martinis didn't hurt!! Welcome home, though, and happy new year!

  3. Oh honey, that was a great trip and I know you had a wonderful time! Love seeing all of the family pictures especially with your Parents, what a blessing! Have a great day back in your warm Florida:) HUGS!

  4. Looks like a GRAND trip:) Happy holidays!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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