Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Thanksgiving Place Cards: Pumpkins and Seashells




A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about Florida style fall decor. I decided to take one of the ideas (this pin) and make place cards for my table. The idea was much more coastal looking with white pumpkins, but pumpkins in general are scarce here in Florida, especially this late in the season, when everyone has moved on to Christmas. Also, buying a pumpkin early here is asking for one that needs to be thrown out by Thanksgiving. I was happy to find some mini orange ones on Saturday and was especially happy to find some with long stems.



Here is what I did: cut tags (free hand) from card stock that coordinated with the tablecloth I planned to use, poke a hole with a wooden skewer, feed orange striped butcher's twine through hole, tie a knot, then make a loop to fit over stem, glue a small seashell in top corner and write name with a sharpie. I had all of these items on hand, so only purchased the pumpkins. Note: you could easily adapt this idea and use any pattern of card stock and glue something totally different in the corner as well.

I will use some other seashells on my table, so this year, it will be a real mixture of traditional fall decor and the unexpected.

Happy Thanksgiving!


{ Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Between Naps on the Porch

21 Rosemary Lane



  1. These are really cute, Vicki. Easy and fun!

  2. Looks so good! While we were in Nashville, Kellyann told us about the pumpkin situation in Florida. We visited a pumpkin patch that actually had pink pumpkins and since she loves pink, she went NUTS and wanted to take them all back to Florida with her. Of course, that didn't happen. Happy Thanksgiving, Vicki!

  3. Love the little pumpkins and place cards with the seashells! Enjoy your day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  4. What a great idea! The seashell makes it perfect.

  5. Festive, Colorful, Cute, Fitting . . .
    Happy Thanksgiving Vicki . . ,

  6. Finally, after ten tries . . . it went through . . .

  7. You have a wonderful eye for decorating things in a natural way.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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