Monday, November 5, 2018

Christmas Can Wait




There has always been the tendency to rush one holiday season right to the next, when we move from Halloween to Thanksgiving to Christmas. A lot of the blame can be attributed to the retail world and their rush to put out Christmas decor at the end of summer. But, it seems this year, once the calendar turned to November 1st, the whole world (especially the blogging and Instagram world) was talking about putting up their Christmas tree. I'm going to take a step back, slow down and enjoy the moment a bit more.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. By rushing to Christmas, we rush right past the quiet joys of Thanksgiving. The simple harvest decor, the traditional menu that doesn't require a lot of thought and the simple pleasure of spending the day with family.

You will never see a Christmas tree up in my house in early November. It honestly hurts my head to see pumpkins and Christmas decor mixed together. It just seems like a lot of unneeded pressure we put on ourselves, when there is still the whole month of December to enjoy everything Christmas. One whole month to listen to Christmas music, wonder at Christmas lights and eat your fill of Christmas cookies.

So my suggestion (if you can) is to wait and let Thanksgiving have its place. Don't drag the bins out until after Thanksgiving. Give yourself a break. There are no Christmas police that say your tree must be up by December 1st. Especially this year, when Thankgiving falls early and there is a whole week of grace. Holiday decorating doesn't have to be just a chore you need to finish.

Happy Monday!



  1. Great advice, Tanya. Have a wonderful week, Vicki!

  2. I couldn't agree more! We were in London in October and they were starting to put up Christmas and of course even the stores had their Christmas shops open. It was fun to see because it was THERE but I was SO not ready for it. I'm with you on TG. Of course, the day after, all bets are off!

  3. I completely agree! I love to savor each and every holiday!

  4. Same here girlfriend. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas... IN THAT ORDER:) My Christmas tree will go up the week AFTER Thanksgiving! Have a beautiful day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. I also totally agree with you on this subject. I have been putting up a real Christmas tree for the past few years and I wait to set that up until the middle of December!

  6. Amen, Amen and Amen. It really is sad that Christmas (and its decor) have become a competition of sorts these days.

  7. So true. I agree wholeheartedly. I couldn’t believe when I saw Christmas decorations out in stores in September this year! I do have to confess though, I have been known to listen to Christmas music all year round. I just love the songs. But for me, my fall decorations stay out until Thanksgiving is over and then during the first part of December I gradually start putting out Christmas items.
    Blessings, Betsy

  8. I agree . . . Thanksgiving has a warmth like no other.
    My Holiday bins and things never appear until after Thanksgiving.
    I like the winding down of November, colors fade, trees drop their leaves, weather changes . . .
    At least that is happening here in Michigan . . .
    What is your weather Vicki . . .

  9. It's crazy, isn't it? Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, too.

  10. Amen sistah!!!! Been trying so hard to get these DILs to just stop!! Put turkey day back on their calendars. Wanting my grands to understand and appreciate thanksgiving but their moms are flying right past it๐Ÿ™„

  11. I am with you. I wish we could relax more and enjoy each holiday without rushing to the next one.


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