Friday, October 26, 2018

Pineapple Salsa




In my last post, I promised to post the recipe for the yummy salsa I made to take to a football watch party. Now, this is not something I would have made to take tailgating on a chilly fall day in Michigan, but here in Florida; perfect. Or, if you just need a little sunshine and some tropical goodness to brighten your day.

The pineapple here in Florida is really good and fresh right now, but pineapple is a fruit that you can find year round, so no worries there. To save time chopping, I bought the red onions and peppers pre chopped, so this was really easy to put together. I did not add a jalapeƱo, but added a few drops of Tabasco instead. That way I could control the heat a little better. My dish was clean when I left the party, so that's a sign of successful recipe to me.

The original pin and recipe can be found here. I did not serve the salsa in the half pineapple, but how great does it look. Maybe next time :-)



Have a wonderful weekend!


{ Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Between Naps on the Porch

21 Rosemary Lane



  1. Thanks for sharing looks delish! I can’t wait until the next time I need a Sakai; I am totally trying this recipe!!! Have a great weekend!

  2. Thank you for sharing this. It makes my mouth wateršŸ. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs

  3. Refreshing and delicious, I'm sure. Very pretty too! Thanks for sharing!

  4. That looks real good I have bought some pineapple salsa before and loved it so this being homemade much better.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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