Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Individual Autumn Apple French Toast {Recipe Redo}




Fall recipes should be comforting, rustic and full of seasonal flavor. This breakfast recipe from my 2016 archives is not one I have made again, but I'm not sure why. I love the chunks of apple throughout and it is a great way to use up those end of loaf, almost stale, bread slices. Yesterday, I made this with the multigrain bread I usually buy as well, and it tasted great. I did cut off the crusts and use a total of 3 smaller slices, rather than 2 larger slices.

I like that the only sweetener is sugar free brown sugar and because I don't care for things to taste too sweet, I enjoyed it without any additional toppings. However, you could add a drizzle of syrup or powdered sugar if you wanted. It's the perfect size, individual breakfast treat and definitely a delicious taste of fall.

Happy Tuesday!


{ Linking with these friends}

Between Naps on the Porch

21 Rosemary Lane




  1. Vicki.. this looks yummy! I'm going to make your cinnamon oatmeal bake soon. Have a great week.

  2. Sounds good, Vicki!! Thanks for the recipe again! Glad you remembered it.

  3. Looks delicious, heading to look at the recipe! Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  4. Yum! I just went back to your recipe and pinned it - sounds delish!


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