Wednesday, October 31, 2018






It's Halloween and while the day doesn't have the same excitement that it held when my girls were young and it was a day filled with class parties and trick or treating, I still think it's fun. It's different though and much more simple - no costumes to sew or buy and no cookies or cupcakes to make and send to school. We don't even bother carving a pumpkin anymore.



Even the trick or treating is not quite the same. In our old neighborhood, we would easily have close to 200 trick or treaters. Here in Florida, I live in a new development, so last year, with a lot of construction on my street still happening, we had no children stop buy. This year, things are a little more finished and organized. There is a system set up where all the houses that are passing out candy have an orange ribbon on the lightpost. We are told to expect around 20 trick or treaters (it's Florida after all and while not a retirement community, we don't have very many kids in the neighborhood). But, it's going to be a beautiful night and I will be ready with my bowl of candy.



Through the years, I have always made a special cocktail on Halloween night, as well as passing out coffee with a Baily's shot or a beer to the dads on trick or treat duty. My cocktail choice this year is a Pumpkin Spice White Russian. Most fall cocktails are made with apple cider, which is hard to find in Florida, so this seemed a good choice. I made one last night to test it out and it is delicious.

To make: Fill a rocks glass with ice. Add 1 ounce vodka, 2 ounces kahlua and 2 ounces Pumpkin Spice Flavored Creamer. Stir together well and enjoy.

Happy Halloween!


Try these other cocktails from past Halloween nights:

Apple Cider Margarita

Caramel Apple Martini

Apple Cider and Buttershot Cocktail


{ Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Between Naps on the Porch

21 Rosemary Lane




  1. It just isn't the same. The grandkids are even getting too big to trick-or-treat. I will get a bowl of candy but won't have a single kid to visit:( So... I'll eat the candy:) Have a beautiful day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. Your drink sounds great! I love that system of the orange ribbon - great idea! I don't get anyone either since I am in a condo :-(

  3. I love the orange ribbon idea - that really helps the little ones out there. We haven't carved a pumpkin either - it sure does change when the kids are all grown up and we have no grandkids yet. Happy Halloween to you! Hope you don't get too many tricks - just treats ♥

  4. The cocktail for the dads will bring twice as many kids (and dads) as this year! A nice incentive!! The ribbon on the light post is an excellent idea! Please let us know how many kids actually came by!! We used to get around 40, then it went down to five or six so we just quit turning the light on. We don't get kids in our retirement community... fine with me, but a cocktail still might be an excellent idea!

  5. I miss the Halloween’s when Alise was younger, too! It’s just not the same. Hope you’re enjoying your Toddy and some trick or treaters this year!

  6. Hmmmm, a cocktail while handing out candy sounds like a plan! We get hundreds of kids around here, and I agree, it's just not the same as when my son was little!

  7. Our community used to be the one to visit. I would go through 7 huge bags of candy. This year I think we had about 7 visitors. Little Buddy had fun and thought it was all perfect even if he only made it 6 houses.

  8. Love the idea of a special cocktail -- that's fun! (We make chili -- I think I like your idea better!)


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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