Tuesday, October 2, 2018

All About Fall - TBB Asks





1. How do you pick one? It's all about how they blend together to make the most perfect fall vista. Add blue sky and it's breathtaking.


Michigan in October


2. Cold and fresh from the cider mill, sitting at a picnic table outside. A warm cider doughnut covered in cinnamon and sugar must also be part of this fall deliciousness. Or when tailgating, this cocktail.



3. I'm not a big caramel apple fan, but I wouldn't say no to one. Remember candy apples? I haven't seen one in years, but those I loved!




4. Apple Cider Doughnuts are my favorite doughnuts (see number 2 lol). Unfortunately, I can't buy them here in Florida, or even make them, because it's very hard to find cider for sale and if you do, it's not fresh. This recipe for Apple Cider Doughnut Muffins is good though.



5. Definitely short (preppy, classic) cardigans. I have a uniform and it usually includes a classic button front cardigan, draped over my shoulder and knotted in the front. I have a drawer full of every color. Plus, I'm short and long cardigans look so much better when you are have those long legs.



6. Fall = football season to me and I love making tailgate style food. This is my favorite dip. Layer bean dip, taco seasoning, sour cream, green onions, tomatoes, black olives and cheese. People will eat this up.



7. I like a classic orange pumpkin, but again, pumpkins and hot Florida weather do not mix. Anything outside needs to be of the artifical kind.

8. Hayrides are fun, especially the spooky variety, but I love a fall bonfire. At our house in Michigan, we loved to build a fire in the fire pit on chilly nights ,wrap up in a blanket and enjoy that bonfire sound and scent.

9. As a diabetic, I limit my sweets, so if I do any baking, it's usually some kind of breakfast item. This Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal is pretty much a staple in the fall. The scent alone, when baking, is better than any apple spice candle you can buy.



10. Football season begins. We love college football and our Michigan State Spartans. Football Saturday's are the best.


Go Green Go White from two Spartan grads in Florida


Happy Tuesday!



  1. Hi Vicki! Great answers! I also love a plain, old-fashioned orange pumpkin!!! And you had me on football!!! That is definitely my most anticipated fall activity also!!! Have a great day! Annster's Domain

  2. That baked oatmeal looks delish! have a great week!!

  3. Good morning Vicki. Those were great answers. It was a nice way to get to know you a little better since I haven’t been reading your blog very long. We’re well into the depths of fall up here in Washington state. It’s an unusually cool year so the leaves are already almost gone.
    Blessings, Betsy

  4. This is a fun Q & A! That fall cocktail sounds yummy!!

  5. Happy that Michigan State flag is flying in Florida . . .
    I like orange pumpkins but the lighter, mixed color, grey, white
    and worty ones are my real favorites this season.
    I move to more ORANGE closer to Halloween . . .
    Happy October Vicki . . .

  6. When we arrived in the Midwest from the UK last year the kids were really surprised that all the caramel apples had a soft caramel coating, in the the UK they are called toffee apples and always have a hard toffee coating. I wonder if candy apples are toffee apples ?

  7. These are all perfect picks for fall! I love tailgating and tailgating food.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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