Monday, July 16, 2018

Looking for Shells







There is a beach in Venice that is so different than the white sand beaches we tend to frequent for our beach days. It's secluded, almost private, and can only be found by driving down a long sand covered road that hugs the shoreline. It's rustic, natural, quite narrow and the sand is volcanic, rather than quartz, so dark in color. It's also known as the best spot to find shark's teeth (prehistoric) and people line the water using sand sifters of all sorts.

The shark's teeth are elusive and we haven't put in the time to find any, but it's a great beach for a long walk along the water's edge. There are so many shells and not just the little ones you find on many beaches, but the bigger ones I like to collect. Because I live here and there is always another beach walk around the corner, I can be quite selective in my shell hunting. I usually find just enough to easily carry and always look for unique colors, shapes and patterns. I'm in the process of filling a couple of large jars, but taking my time and making the finds memorable.

It's a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Happy Monday!



  1. I don't often get to shell beaches but I love it when I do. You have some beauties!

  2. I wish I had a count of all the hours I’ve walked the beaches looking for shells! It’s therapy for me! And thru all of my travels, I’ve amassed MANY jars full, homemade frames, many craft projects! My grandkids and I just finished making mobiles from shells and driftwood we picked up on our family trip this summer!
    Hey......I’m completely my down to cape San Blas on girlfriend trip in sept. Close to you????!!!

    1. It's in the panhandle and I am in south Florida - so about 7 hours😕

  3. Looking for and collecting shells is my favorite part of any beach trip. We found several sharks teeth with our girls when we were in Ponte Vedra several years back. They spend hours sifting through the sand for them. A friend from Hawaii was on the trip and taught them how to look for them. It was a lot of fun.

  4. Nice!! We got selective real fast and now only pick up "perfect" shells or ones we know are hard to find. Looks like you found some nice ones!

  5. I remember going to Cape May, NJ and getting shells. It something I can do for hours. Listening to the water, strolling down the beach is completely relaxing.

    I didn't fine very large shells but the ones I found were beautiful


  6. WOW! That is awesome! I love all beaches but that sounds amazing! In Michigan I used to search for lake glass and crinoids (ancient fossils) and it is so fun when you find one! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Sounds lovely . . .
    You look so beachy and relaxed . . .
    I like your shell “picins” too!


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