Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Birthday Weekend in Photos











What a lovely birthday weekend I had. Sailing on the Gulf of Mexico, with sunny skies and a glass of wine in my hand. Golf with my husband at a pretty Florida course; always a favorite (despite some rain). Drinks and appetizers (delicious sushi) on a deck over looking the beach. And brunch, at a beautiful old Florida style pink hotel, on St. Petersburg Beach. I was invited to join that portion of a bachelorette party weekend that Megan was attending and I got to see her, as well.

Also, lots of well wishes and love sent my way. I am a lucky girl. Who cares if I am one year older!

Happy Tuesday!



  1. Happy Birthday Vicki . . .
    Sounds, looks like WONDERFUL!

  2. Oh, my gosh! Did you ever think you would have such an awesome birthday like this while you were in Michigan??

  3. Happy Birthday!!!! It looks like it was an amazing birthday weekend. The sailing, cocktails, sushi... perfect!!!!

  4. This looks pretty darned fabulous! Happy Belated birthday -- looks like a wonderful way to celebrate.

  5. Happy Belated Birthday Vicki. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend your special day.

  6. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a wonderful and fun trip


  7. Happy birthday, Vicki!! It looks like you had a perfect weekend. Enjoy your Summer.

  8. Happy belated birthday! Looks like you celebrated it quite well!

  9. The Don Cesar is amazing! How nice that you were invited to participate in the festivities with the girls! Sure sounds like you had a great birthday and that sushi looks delicious!

  10. Happy Happy Birthday a little late but with lotsa love 💕!
    Looked like a perfect weekend...another yr with SO many new memories!
    You’re at your peak and looking so cute too!!

  11. Sounds like you had a wonderful celebration doing a little of everything! I loved the pics!

    Happy Birthday, Vicki!


  12. best way possible to celebrate getting another year older! Happy birthday, Vicki!

  13. Happy Birthday! Think of all the things and people and memories you didn't have yet last birthday. Here's to another fabulous year! Thank you for sharing it with us.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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