Thursday, July 26, 2018

Countdown Begins





Photos by Carrie House Photography


First, my daughter's wedding was over a year away, then we started counting months, now it's weeks and soon it will be days. We are in the final planning stages; meal counts, place cards, balances due and much more. But, I think we are in a good place and hopefully when we arrive in Michigan, there will be little to actually do and just anticipation for a weekend of celebration to come.

I can't say enough about this couple and how we all are looking forward to sharing in their happiness. From freshman year at the University of Michgan, to nine years later, where they will start their married life in Pittsburgh, they have always been one of those couples that you just knew were going to make it. It is a wonderful feeling to be heading into a daughter's wedding and have zero reservations and only joy.

Her fiancé is a great guy, perfect for her and we love his family too. We look forward to many years ahead where we all experience the milestones of life together.

Happy Thursday!

P.S. Any wedding day advise from you veteran mothers of the bride out there?


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Tomato Tuna Melts




Since I am always looking for ways to eat a low carb lunch, but still have variety and flavor in my diet, I was happy to see this recipe pop up on the Skinnytaste Instagram account. I love a good tuna fish sandwich, but do not love the carbs in the bread that comes with it and try to limit the amount of sandwiches I eat at lunchtime. What a great idea for the healthy tomato to become the vessel for the tuna.

I did make a few changes to the recipe to both suit my taste and to use what ingredients I had on hand.

First, I did not have any celery in the fridge, so I used chopped pickles instead. I love pickles in tuna fish, but may try celery the next time for a little more fresh flavor and crunch. Also, I did not add the vinegar since I used pickles, but probably wouldn't have added it anyway. Finally, the last change is totally a matter of taste, but I like a softer, partially cooked tomato, so instead of broiling for 2 minutes, I baked the tuna and cheese topped tomatoes for 10 -12 minutes at 400 degrees. This melted the cheese, but also warmed the tuna and the tomato. So simple, but so good. Enjoy!

Happy Thursday!


{ Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Have a Daily Cup

Between Naps on the Porch

21 Rosemary Lane


Monday, July 16, 2018

Looking for Shells







There is a beach in Venice that is so different than the white sand beaches we tend to frequent for our beach days. It's secluded, almost private, and can only be found by driving down a long sand covered road that hugs the shoreline. It's rustic, natural, quite narrow and the sand is volcanic, rather than quartz, so dark in color. It's also known as the best spot to find shark's teeth (prehistoric) and people line the water using sand sifters of all sorts.

The shark's teeth are elusive and we haven't put in the time to find any, but it's a great beach for a long walk along the water's edge. There are so many shells and not just the little ones you find on many beaches, but the bigger ones I like to collect. Because I live here and there is always another beach walk around the corner, I can be quite selective in my shell hunting. I usually find just enough to easily carry and always look for unique colors, shapes and patterns. I'm in the process of filling a couple of large jars, but taking my time and making the finds memorable.

It's a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Happy Monday!


Thursday, July 12, 2018

July So Far




The day before the 4th of July, we had a new palm tree put in and I hope we have finally found one that will thrive in this spot. This is try number three and it's very odd, because palm trees basically grow like weeds here in tropical Florida. This one has a warranty and is being watched closely by the landscape company. It wouldn't be a Florida house without a palm tree, right?



I wrote about our sailboat trip on my birthday weekend post, but I found this photo on the Sail Venice Facebook page and thought it was a good one to share. We love retirement and Florida and this photo just about sums it up.





There are three shows that I am watching this summer and loving them all. First, the second season of Anne with an E is on Netflix. The cast is wonderful and while this new season doesn't follow too closely with the original Anne of Green Gables, it still is a lovely period piece.

The Great British Baking Show is back on PBS and it is just as good as ever. Delicious bakes and sweet contestants in all their quirky, British glory, make this one of my all time favorite shows.

Season two of Marcella is also on Netflix and while I haven't started it yet, it's next on my list. Season one was very good. It's a dark and gritty police drama with an interesting and flawed heroine. In my opinion, British crime shows are just so much better than those in America.



Speaking of British crime shows, I am a big fan of Shetland and caught up with the current season a few months ago. While I am waiting for Netflix to add the newest season, I decided to read the books that the tv show is based on. I'm finding the books quite different and a favorite character (Tosh) is missing, but the writing is really good and the use of different points of view, moves the story along very well. I'm on book three, so I will be enjoying this series for awhile.

Happy Thursday!


Friday, July 6, 2018

2 Cities, 2 Showers









Bridal Shower number one was in Grand Rapids, home of Megan's fiancé and held at a beautiful country club on the outskirts of the city. The hostesses were two of Megan's future aunts. Upon arrival, we were handed mimosas and then served a delicious salad with chicken, dried cherries and raspberry vinagrette. There were cupcakes for dessert, that were enjoyed while we watched Megan and Adam open presents. One special touch, was a jar with slips of paper next to it, that everyone could write best wishes or memories for Megan. They received so many lovely things and the best part - we were able to fit everything in Adam's car for the trip back to Pittsburgh.










Bridal shower number two was the next day in Ann Arbor, Megan and Adam's college town. This shower was hosted by my sister, my sister in law and my daughter Melissa, Megan's maid of honor. We chose a unique location in a basement wine cellar that is called "The Bubble Room", because of the hand blown glass balls on the ceiling. My sister picked all the flowers from her beautiful gardens and made arrangements in the Hoosier and milk glass vases that she collects. We also played a cute game where the groom had previously answered questions and the bride had to guess what he said.

We had a mimosa bar and a menu with three choices; a salmon scramble, chicken and waffles or a mixed berry crossaint french toast. The dessert was carrot cake from Zingerman's, a famous Ann Arbor deli. Once again, Adam and Megan received many wonderful gifts and this time, we were able to fit everything in Megan's car.

I did get a liitle emotional during presents, because I had given Megan one special gift that meant a lot to both of us. Over twenty years ago, when my girls were in preschool, we compiled and sold cookbooks as a fundraiser. One of my friends suggested that it would be a great idea to purchase a cookbook and save it to give to our daughters at their future bridal shower. My note to Megan said that we are now at a day that seemed so far away then, but I couldn't be happier for her now.

It was two beautiful and joyous days, with so much love for the happy couple.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Birthday Weekend in Photos











What a lovely birthday weekend I had. Sailing on the Gulf of Mexico, with sunny skies and a glass of wine in my hand. Golf with my husband at a pretty Florida course; always a favorite (despite some rain). Drinks and appetizers (delicious sushi) on a deck over looking the beach. And brunch, at a beautiful old Florida style pink hotel, on St. Petersburg Beach. I was invited to join that portion of a bachelorette party weekend that Megan was attending and I got to see her, as well.

Also, lots of well wishes and love sent my way. I am a lucky girl. Who cares if I am one year older!

Happy Tuesday!


Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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