Monday, June 18, 2018

Weekend in Photos



Saturday night walk with Cooper


Sunday morning view


Crockpot Chicken Fajitas


Margaritas just go with a Mexican menu


It was just my husband and I this Father's Day weekend and we stuck around the house for the most part. We are getting into the hottest part of summer here in Florida and if it is not early morning or near sunset, it's best to stay in the air conditioning. Or the pool.

When I asked my hubby what he wanted to do on Father's Day, his only request was to stay home and watch the U.S. Open. So we did that and I cooked fajitas and made margaritas. He received phone calls from the girls and I gave him a gift card to Top Golf in Tampa, so there is a fun outing in our future.

If the blog is quiet this week, it's because I am flying to Michigan tomorrow and will be busy, busy. The good: at the end of the week, Megan and I have appointments at the florist, the venue, the cake baker and for the final fitting of her wedding gown. And, I get to see the venue and the church, in person, for the first time. On Saturday and Sunday there are back to back wedding showers in her honor, in two different cities and we are so excited. The not so good: I'm flying back a few days early to help with my parents. My mother has had a bit of a set back, with a broken hip and the resulting surgery. Luckily, they are in assisted living now, and it wasn't quite the panic it could have been if they were still at home.

Happy Monday from the airport - I'll have a lot to post when I return!



  1. Sounds great! Celebrated Father Day with yummy dish!
    Happy to hear about your trips and functions! Enjoy the time!
    Take care of your mothers health!

  2. Enjoy the week Vicki . . .
    It looks like our Michigan hot and steamy weather will continue . . .
    Might seem like Florida . . .
    Sorry to hear about your mom . . .
    I hope she will feel more comfortable soon.

  3. Safe travels! What an exciting time you have ahead of you. Hope your Mom's recovery goes well.

  4. Sounds like a relaxing weekend! Hubby wanted to do just the same, stay in and watch golf. Thanks for the delicious recipe.

  5. Have a great trip! Safe travels and I cannot wait to read about the venue and the dress!!! Enjoy!

  6. I hope your mother has a speedy recovery! And I hope you have a blast in Michigan!!

  7. Make every minute with your girls a memory! Time will just flash by at this special time in your life!!

  8. Have fun in Michigan! Your husband and mine had the same idea for Fathers Day, except we grilled steaks. Glad your mom is in good hands while she recovers.

  9. Have fun up in Michigan! I know you will be running, but it will be fun with all the plans coming together! So sorry to hear about your mom's broken hip. Do keep us posted on her recovery!

  10. I wish your flight would take you to Lansing and just enough time in that busy schedule for tea! (Or maybe something colder these days!). It sounds like a busy but wonderful trip. But I do hope your mom makes a full recovery and soon.

    Fajita and Margaritas. Works for me!

  11. Looks like a nice father's day! Have a great trip, looking forward to hearing all about it. wishing your mom a speedy recovery.

  12. Peaceful Father's Day, sounds perfect! I know you will be having a great time with the Wedding plans and showers! I will pray for your Mom as she recovers! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!!

  13. Hi, new to your blog! Sounds your hubby and I had like-minded ideas about Father's Day. LOL Hope you are enjoying your week!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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