Thursday, June 7, 2018

Summer Reading List



Books for the pool, books for the beach, books for vacation. Summer reading lists are essential for finding the perfect book for those times when a book in your bag is as important as sunscreen, sunglasses, a water bottle and lipstick. The books on my summer reading lists are two types. Novels by three authors I love and know that I will enjoy. And, new offerings from three mystery series where the characters are familiar and the settings are as diverse as a rural Amish community, World War Two London and the city of San Francisco.


From author of Under The Tuscan Sun (one of my favorite books)


I can't think of an Anna Quindlen book I have not enjoyed. Her writing style is wonderful and so honest.


Another book by Paula McLain about a Hemingway wife. This time the setting is wartime Spain.



Welcome back Chief of Police Kate Burkholder, Her Majesty's Spy Maggie Hope and P.I. Sharon McCone.

Happy Summer Reading!



  1. Thank you for “the Reads!”
    I trust your lists . . .

    Happy June birthday to you too!
    Date ?

  2. Thank you for the reading list:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Marcia Mueller is still writing Sharon McCone books? I have a bunch of early paperbacks and I thought they must be much older than they probably are. They look like they've lived hard! And I love the Maggie Hope series so much. Eager for this one. You've inspired me for a summer reading post, too! Mysteries are my favorites but I like Quindlen and Paula McLain's work very much.

    1. I think Marcia Mueller took a break for a bit on the Sharon McCone books, but the last few years they have been back and are still very good.

  4. I can't wait to add these to my TBR list!

  5. I'm always looking for books. The last two I bought were terrible; poorly written and exhausting to get through. I know I could go to a library, but I choose to buy my books and I have a group of gals to trade them with. So when I spend the money, it makes me so angry! I've been reading book reviews on Amazon before I purchase them. What a difference that makes. Never judge a book by it's cover! lol!

    The one by Frances Mayes looks good, I've had my eye on it for awhile.

    Thanks, Vicki!


  6. Thanks for sharing your book list! I was desperate for something to read the other night and downloaded the june set of Harlequins that were not so great.

  7. Thank you for the wonderful suggestions.


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