Monday, June 4, 2018

June Summer Lovin' Questions



Venice Farmer's Market - less crowded in the summer


Summer in Florida means one thing - it's hot! But, there really is an added bonus with all the snowbirds gone until the season starts again. No crowds in restaurants, no crowds at the beach and really just a wonderful few months ahead. Linking with The Blended Blog for some this or that summer questions.



1. Walk or Bike Ride? I walk almost every day and I love it.

2. Favorite Picnic Food? Brie, French bread, grapes and a good Chardonnay.

3. Pool or Lake? I love the pool, but if given the chance, I love to be out in a boat on a pretty Michigan lake.

4. Favorite Flavor of ice cream? Key Lime Pie at Venice Creamery. Tart and pieces of graham cracker crust.

5. Ice Cream Cone or in a Dish? Sugar cone.

6. Flip Flops or Slides? I live in flip flops pretty much year around in Florida.

7. Jean Shorts or Jean Capris? Don't own either and no plans to buy. I'm a skort/skirt girl.

8. Favorite summer Fruit? Fresh strawberries to make Strawberry Shortcake.

9. Corn on the Cob or Cut Off the Cob? On the cob. Light on the butter, heavy on the salt.

10. Favorite summertime song? Kid Rock - All Summer Long

11. Favorite summertime activity? Used to be gardening and golf, but now I do both year around!

12. Favorite Berry? Strawberry, Blueberry, Raspberry or Blackberry? Blueberries (love blueberry pancakes)

13. Bikini’s, tankini’s or one pieces? Tankinis with a short skirt. I like to mix and match.

14. Dresses or Skirts? Skirts for golf and casual wear and sun dresses for going out.

15. One Word to describe Summer? Endless :-) (Florida description)


Happy Monday!



  1. Great picnic menu and Key Lime Pie ice cream sounds amazing!

  2. Lots of fun on your list:) I am a tankini with a skirt also! Have a blessed day in your beautiful city! HUGS!

  3. Summer really is endless here in Texas too. It's shorts weather here in Houston from March til November, and sometimes even more. Key Lime Pie ice cream sounds wonderful!

  4. You’re so lucky to be able to describe Summer as endless!! But then again, it seems to last forever here in Louisiana, too! Your picnic sounds so “Frenchy”. I’ve always wanted to go on a picnic like that!

  5. I would like to be invited to your picnic, sounds right up my alley!

  6. Yes to our endless summer and yes to no snowbirds in restaurants (and at the doctors' office). I can find a parking spot right in front most summer days!

  7. We have the exact same ideal picnic food--love it!

  8. All Summer Long is the anthem for sure. We may live in Indiana but Our hearts belong to Michigan, especially the lakes!

  9. Enjoyed your Summer Lovin’ answers . . ,

  10. I’ll be on a FL beach in 5 days....cannot wait to enjoy the serenity of which you speak!!!

  11. Love your Michigan choices. I love Spring here in Michigan. Love to visit Florida in winter.

  12. Great questions! I'm a flip flop girl, too. Best invention ever.


  13. I loved your answers and I may have to answer one like this sometime on my blog! Soon -- the lake! (You went to MSU? Yay! Thanks for coming by Marmelade Gypsy and responding to my cities quiz. When I get this blogger thing straightened out I'll be a quicker replyer. That is NOT a word!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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