Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Fix to Blogger Comment Issue



Housekeeping post today.

So, Blogger is having a bit of a hiccup at the moment. For some reason, comment notifications are not being sent to my email. Since this is the easiest way to reply to comments, it is a problem.

After some research, I found out three things: 1) This is a widespread problem 2) After no response on the Blogger Product Forum all day, one of the experts finally replied that Blogger is working on it 3) In the meantime, there is a fix that is working for me. At the bottom of your post's comment section, check the box that says notify me. This basically subscribes you to all comments on that post and they will show up in your email inbox. You will need to do this on every new post.

Hope this helps! And share this too :-)



  1. Yes! I just left a comment on Lea’s blog, although I have not noticed a problem. Unfortunately a few years ago, I was getting some inappropriate comments and went to “manually” publishing mine and deleting this ones I didn’t want published. Hope they get the problem fixed soon!!

    1. Leaving comments on others blogs works as usual. The problem is when someone leaves you a comment and you don't receive an email notification.

    2. Vicki...thanks for your input on this

  2. Hmmm . . .
    I wondered why all,of a sudden I wasn’t hearing that someone had commented.
    Thanks for the input . . .

  3. Thank you girlie:) You 'da best! Have a great day! HUGS!

  4. I will check the box for you. Hope Blogger gets a fix in soon. I always just check my blog comments, but admit that I am bad about responding to comments.

    1. Just to clarify for all - the blog writer needs to check the notify me box to receive comment notifications via email. The reader can comment as usual.

  5. Thanks for the tip, Vicki. I think we are all having problems. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. I just tried this and commented to test but no-go yet. (On Marmelade Gypsy, my blog.) I'll keep at it!

  7. I tryed doing it and got a page full of code. hopefully they will get on it.
    thanks for trying to figure it out

    1. It's working for me, but might be something with your settings or template - who knows?

  8. Hi, VIcki, thanks for coming by the Gypsy! We'll figure this blogger stuff sooner or later! And I'm a new follower of you -- thanks for joining in with me!

  9. Thanks, Vicki. Hopefully this hiccup is temporary -- I was freaking out when I realized that I had a gazillion comments on my blog waiting to be approved and Blogger hadn't emailed me any notifications!

  10. Right. This is a temporary fix that the blogger will receive as a comment, but the commenter's email will appear as anonymous or no-reply. There's no way to "reply." I think THREE weeks is too long to be putting up with all this!

  11. I have been doing this also. As soon as I post, I type a comment to my posting, check the box "Notify me" and submit. Then I delete my comment forever. After that I get all the rest of my comments forwarded to my email as directed in my settings. Make sure your settings are correct so the comments are directed to your email already - even though that feature isn't working at the present time. Hope they get it fixed. It was REALLY handy!


Thanks for reading!
Comments are my favorite, so I can get to know you :-)

I always answer comments via email, but if your settings don't allow that, your reply will be here. (So come back to see my reply or check the box for follow up comments)

Michigan ➡️ Florida
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