Tuesday, May 1, 2018

An Active Monday






It's a lifestyle at this point. Yes, being active is good for my health, but it has become something I love. I love the way I feel and I love exploring new places.

Mondays are my yoga days, right here in my neighborhood. I only have to walk the three blocks to the clubhouse, yoga mat in hand and I'm ready to begin. We are a small, but committed group (I'm the one with the green mat) and the instructor is really good. I really feel it, in all my muscles, usually the next day. We do a lot of core work and I believe it is so important for someone my age to stay strong and flexible. I'm slowly, but surely, building up my time on planks. I also go to yoga on the beach, but that is really more about the beautiful location, than getting much benefit from the practice.

It was such a beautiful night, still warm and breezy, so I grabbed my puppy, jumped in the car and drove the short distance to the beach. We walked on a path around a small lake on one side and the gulf on the other, shimmering in the pre sunset light. So peaceful.

A good day for both body and mind.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. Sounds, looks wonderful Vicki . . .

  2. Good for you!! I am still SO happy you love living in Florida!!

  3. A perfect description of a perfect day! I’ve really become aware of the positivity of emotional AND physical strength lately. Looks like you’ve accomplished both ...amazing what sunshine can do, eh??!!!!!
    Hugs to you

  4. Sounds like life is good for you, Vicki! Taking charge of our health at any age is fabulous, but its so very important as we get older. You really are an inspiration.


  5. Doing all these things because your new life/location means you can! Lucky gal!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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