Tuesday, May 15, 2018

A Visit for Mother's Day





A couple weeks ago, my daughter Melissa mentioned that she was free Mother's Day weekend (she travels a lot for work) and would I like her to come here for the weekend? Of course, I enthusiastically said yes and she was able to take a couple days off and stay Thursday night through Monday night.

Except for the weather not really cooperating, it was a great weekend, starting with a day at the beach on Friday, our only sunny day. It's always a treat to experience a beach day with those just arrived from the northern states, as they soak up the sun, sand and relaxation that comes with it. We came home, showered off the sand and ended the first day at our favorite beach bar for dinner.

Unfortunately, the clouds rolled in, but we still got in a few hours of pool time on Saturday, followed by Melissa's request of a home cooked meal. I made mashed potatoes (her favorite) for the first time since Thanksgiving. It made my mother's heart happy to cook for her. We ended the day with a walk to the beach, puppy in tow.

Sunday, rain was in the forecast, but we grabbed umbrellas and made the best of it. We headed north, to Clearwater Beach and met my mother in law for lunch. Luckily, the rain held off for lunch on the beach and only started falling once we were back in the car. However, a little rain didn't stop us from an impromptu stop at St. Armands Circle in Sarasota for a little shopping and dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant.

We tried for a few hours at the pool on Monday, but we only there for a few minutes before a storm rolled in. Dissapointing weekend weather wise, but still always fun with my daughter by my side. And, the best part of her visit is that it coincided with my trip to Michigan and instead of saying goodbye for months, I will see her (and Megan too) in just a few days.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. WOW! Sounds great! You had a wonderful weekend with your lovable daughter. Times would have passed out like closing our eyes.:)

  2. Girl, you better have some sunny days for me next week!! We're headed your way!! I know you thoroughly enjoyed having at least one of your daughters home for Mother's Day!!

  3. What a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! Your daughter is so cute. Have a great week, Vicki.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. And, then only having to say good bye for a couple days made it even better.

  5. Is this the one getting married? How fun that you could have one on one time!
    And wait....is that Italian restaurant you talked about on the Main Street? When we sailed thru there, we’d always dock for awhile so we could go to a magnificent Italian place. Can’t remember name but they made best osso bocco ever!!!!

  6. What a wonderful Mother's Day weekend you had!! Awesome, indeed!

  7. Wonderful Mother's Day treat . . .
    In amongst the rainy day!
    Mother/Daughter Days are my favorites!

  8. What a lovely Mother's Day treat! You must be in full on wedding mode now, right? So excited for you!

  9. IT sounds like a wonderful visit. Did you eat at Frenchy's on Clearwater Beach?

  10. What a great mothers day for you!!! We are heading your way tomorrow and it looks to rain all week. Blah.

  11. There is nothing like that gorgeous, white sand of the Gulf Coast beaches! And, of course, nothing like a weekend spent with daughters!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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