Friday, April 20, 2018

No Bake Peanut Butter Bites




When I see a recipe I like, I save it one of two ways. (But as an aside, remember the days of ripping pages out of magazines?) I pin it to a Pinterest board, or I bookmark it to my recipes folder on my IPad. Either way, it gives me a running list of recipes I want to try. My diet lately has been a little all over the place; not bad, but not my usual routine that I know works for me in keeping my blood sugar where I want it to be.

I refuse to deprive myself, so I have my tricks and I thought these No Bake Peanut Butter Bites from Mix and Match Mama were a perfect compromise when something sweet is what I want. Anything bite sized is perfect for a carb counter, because in short, you easily control the portion size. These bite size goodies, also have healthy peanut butter (protein), healthy carbs in the oatmeal and for that sweet tooth; a sprinkling of butterscotch chips. Next time I make these, dark chocolate chips might be the way to go. Keep the balls in the freezer, as the recipe states and they are even more delicious.

Added note: After eating these for a few days, I am finding the butterscotch chips a bit too sweet for my taste. I would make them again, but use dark chocolate the next time.

So, three ingredients, quick as can be and portion control. All my favorite things in one little bite.

Have a wonderful weekend!


{ Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Have a Daily Cup

Between Naps on the Porch

21 Rosemary Lane



  1. They look delicious. We’ve had a young family living with us for a month now with two elementary age boys. There has been food in our house that hasn’t been around for years! :-). They just signed the closing papers buying their new house this week and although we’ll miss them very much, it will be a relief to get back to our way of eating.

  2. They look delicious, thank you for the recipe.

  3. YUM, I'll be trying these! Have a beautiful day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  4. These sound great. There is a new 'Three ingredient baking' book out by Sarah Rainey which I want to get. There was a supplement with the newspaper one weekend recently and I have tried a few of the recipes which have been excellent.

  5. I must try these! Sounds like the perfect non guilty sweet treat.

  6. Yum, I’ll have to try these. I got to meet Shay in Dallas last fall..she’s a doll!

  7. You had me at “no bake.” As much as I like to cook, I do not like to bake. I do it, but I don’t particularly like it. Anytime I can make a dessert and not bake, I am a happy girl. These sound delicious, so I’ll be trying them soon. Thanks for sharing the recipe.


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