Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Easter Weekend - Florida Style








We had glorious weather here in Florida for Easter Weekend and if only my daughters had been with us, I think it could be my favorite holiday now. For so many years in Michigan, you bought a beautiful Easter dress, but it was too cold to wear it, or you had to wear a winter coat and cover it up. No issues like that here :-)

We started out on Good Friday, deciding to attempt to replicate our fish fry/mass tradition, since three of the couples were right here. We went to a stations of the cross service at noon and then headed to Snook Haven in Venice for some old Florida charm. We sat in the sun at a picnic table, watched for alligators in the Myaka River and had a few drinks (sold in in cans only lol), along with a delicious fish lunch. We missed the rest of our group, our table at The Polish Yacht Club and the beauty of the old Detroit churchs we have attended over the years, but it was so fun to bring this tradition to Florida, in a brand new way.

My mother in law (who lives about 2 hours north of us) came for Easter Day and we had a simple, traditional menu of ham, scalloped potatoes, asparagus and a salad I duplicated from a restaurant we used to go to in Florida many years ago. I call it Key West Salad and it has butter lettuce, sliced strawberries, mandarin oranges, green onions, Parmesean cheese, rice noodles and poppy seed dressing. It's delicious. And of course, key lime pie for dessert.

After dinner, we headed to the beach to have a cocktail and watch the sunset. As far as I am concerned, I would be happy to experience a beach sunset on every holiday. As I have said before, life in Florida is good.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Your posts are making me so happy these days!!! Been meaning to ask is your puppy liking the sand and salt water???!!

  2. It seems you had a wonderful day. Beautiful sunshine, family and great food doesn't get much better than that


  3. It sounds like an absolutely wonderful way to celebrate the weekend. I’m glad you were able to have your family around you and your Easter dinner sounds wonderful.
    Many blessings, Betsy

  4. I can't remember the last time I bought an Easter dress, but I totally understand because Easter is normally too cold or too hot, OR rainy here! Great pictures and memories!

  5. I love that you are finding ways to combine the old traditions with new ones as you settle in as a Floridian!

  6. Sounds like a great combination of new and old!

  7. Yes, life in Florida is certainly good!! So glad you had a beautiful Easter!

  8. I love that you are loving your Florida sun and warmth!
    Sounds like a perfectly wonderful Easter weekend . . .
    (Except not having your daughters . . .)


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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