Thursday, April 12, 2018

3 Ingredient Banana Pancakes - Recipe Redo




This is definitely a worthy recipe for a redo since I am always looking for something to make when I have one lone over ripe banana in the fruit bowl. My original recipe and measurements can be found here, but it's really just as easy as mashing a banana in a small bowl, adding an egg and a bit of flour and mixing it all up. (I added blueberries, but they are great without as well).

The consistency ends up being perfect and I would put these up against most regular banana pancakes for taste. If you are looking for low carb (Type 2 Diabetic here), but don't want to feel like you are eating cardboard, give these a try.

Note: I used to use sugar free syrup, but am trying to get away from artificial sweeteners as much as possible. I like the idea of using all natural, good quality maple syrup, but only using a little bit. Also, when you don't eat much sugar, something like syrup can begin to taste incredibly sweet and you really don't even want much anymore.

Enjoy and happy Thursday!


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Savvy Southern Style

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  1. I have tried this pancake. It taste yummy! I don't add berries. Yummy pan cakes:)

  2. I'm going to try this with a little bit of flour, like you said. I tried the two ingredient pancakes the other day and we didn't like it. That version just reminded me of eggs with bananas mixed in. Flour should do the trick!

  3. Sure sounds easy. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Of late . . . one half banana has been my breakfast.
    Eating something naturally sweet suits me perfectly . . .
    I will try your recipe the next time I have a “pancake passion.”

  5. I use a couple of teaspoons of Natvia on my porridge. It is a plant sweetener, but even so I still try to cut down on sweetness. I'm trying to re-train my sweet tooth. Also it costs about 15 times what a bag of sugar costs so making a cake with it is too costly. The pancakes sound lovely. Definitely one I want to try.

  6. This is the 3rd pancake recipe I've seen today....must be a sign! haha


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