Wednesday, March 28, 2018

March Visitor Fun in Photos











We've had a busy month, with visitors one right after the other. I previously wrote a post about my daughter's visit at the beginning of March and that kicked off the fun. Later in the month, one of my good friends from Michigan came to spend a few days, before continuing on to Naples and we had such a good time. I tried to show her the best places in just a few days, and I think I succeeded. We were also able to spend some time with a couple other friends who either live here or were here on an extended visit. There was a lot of catching up time and a lot of wine involved, so really the perfect few days.

Last weekend, my sister and brother in law came to visit on their way to Orlando and it made me so happy to have family here and be able to show them our new home and the city where we live. We had an action packed few days of beach walking, pool time, shopping, sunsets and my sister's favorite; eating lunch and dinner outside. The weather could not have been more perfect for them and we hope they come back soon.

It is these visits; these little pieces of home, that make this move ok. Making new friends is fun and enriches your life, but those friends and family that you have a history with are to be treasured above all.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Yay!!!! For family and friends!! So happy for you in your new warm surroundings. And I must say I’m loving all your bright clothes...girl after my own heart!

  2. I'm so glad you are having fun with visitors and new friends. Isn't it great! I enjoyed a visit from my BFF last week... nothing like old friends!

  3. Oh how fun to have family and friends visit. I know I always enjoy that up here in the Northwest. Most of our family is in the Midwest and we miss them all something terrible. I’m glad you had such a wonderful time. Blessings, Betsy

  4. Well, you are having the time of your life! I just returned from the beach and I was talking about you and your move:) Sweet pictures of sweet times to remember! Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  5. Looks like you are having so much fun! Have a wonderful Easter, Vicki.

  6. Ok. I’m jonesing for those hot pink tennis shoes!!!! What kind are they plz?!!!!

  7. Sounds like a perfect month.
    Daughter, friends, more family, eats and wine!

  8. Beautiful! You just might convince a few of those long-time pals to join you in Florida full time!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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