Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Living Like A Local



It's easy to think of living in Florida as one continuous vacation with constant visits to to beach. And believe me, it can be like that. I still pinch myself when I'm at the beach or the pool on random days, especially in the winter months. But, for a new place to feel like home, you also need some normalcy. I am equal parts introverted (I love to be at home) and social. Finding friends to do things with, either as a couple or girls outings has been slow to develop, but I can feel it starting to happen.

Last week made me feel like I am getting involved, getting out and about and doing things that the locals do.





On Thursday night, I went out to dinner and then to the Venice Theatre to see Dreamgirls. The group consisted of friends of a friend's sister, but it's fun to meet new people and everyone was very friendly. The production was good, with a local feel, but I have grown up going to community theatre, so I was ok with that. The one exception was the actress who played Effie. She was fabulous and her credits included The Lion King show at Disney World. It's definitely something I would do again and will check the schedule periodically.



On Friday afternoon, I went with a neighbor to the Venice Home and Garden Tour. It was a beautiful day and really fun to explore the homes and their tropical gardens. I was especially taken with the plant shown above (variegated dwarf ginger) and am going to look for a sunny spot to try and grow it. All of these tropical plants are new to me and I find them all so interesting.

Sunday, I invited a friend who is in town to walk with me on my usual afternoon walk and I loved showing her the shaded path to the beach that I love.

What's the saying? " bloom where you are planted "

It's what I'm trying to do.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. Sounds and looks like you have that LOCAL part down pat . . .
    Happy you love your new setting . . .
    The shaded walk path sounds perfect . . .
    Keep blooming!

  2. I'm a lot like you, equal parts homebody and social.
    I'm glad your finding new friends!

  3. I would be pinching myself too!!!
    Looks like you had a great time with new friends. Beautiful group of ladies.

  4. Good for you Vicki! It's not easy to make friends when you don't have children in school. Right now, as I'm sitting thru the third Nor'easter, I would do anything to walk to the beach! Have a good week.

  5. Looks like you are getting settled in nicely! I would love a little sunshine here in Vancouver! Have a great week.

  6. Lakeland has a fabulous community theater group too. We really enjoy it, though we don't have season tickets anymore. They just did Mary Poppins. We have a visual/performing arts high school here that has produced some Tony winners (Karen Olivo is one) and most of them started on stage with our community theater group. I am happy you are beginning to feel at home!

  7. Makes me smile to know the sunshine is warming your heart along with your new friends!

  8. Hahaha! I was going to write almost the exact same comment as Katie! Having moved a few times, I must admit that I wasn't so good at the bloom where you are planted thing. You are doing great!!

  9. I’m glad you’re finding new friends in your new home. I’m very much a homebody too, but enjoy time with others equally as well. Thank you for your comment on my blog post today. It’s always nice to get to know the people who are reading. I’m looking forward to going back and reading some of your previous posts and learning more about you. And you’re right, it was very tempting to have a smart come back to that young man at Best Buy. At the time I thought it would be better to just walk away, but now I wonder if I shouldn’t send an email to the manager or the corporate offices. Thanks again for visiting. Blessings, Betsy

  10. Happy blooming, Vicki! Glad to read that you are settling in. We just spent a month in Florida - it was wonderful. Hoping to spend longer stretches down there ast some pont,

  11. It must be lovely finding lots of new plants you can grow in tropical climes. I bet the garden tour was amazing; exactly the sort of thing I'd love. Saw your comment on Leanne's blog and have wandered this way to say hello.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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