Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Start of 2018




I saw this New Year's prayer on Pinterest and it really spoke to me. This blog is primarily a happy and positive place. I rarely write about the hard things, even though I hope you realize that we all have our stuff that makes life difficult at times. I prefer to keep things positive and look for the good things in day to day life.

But, as 2018 starts, you will find me on a plane tomorrow headed back to Michigan (and the cold!) to help manage a situation with my elderly parents. Things have come to a head with my mother's Alzheimer's and the fact that my father is her primary caregiver. It will not be a trip for pleasure, but rather, one of life's hard obligations. The only thing I can do at this point is stay positive, patient and hope and pray for the best care to be found. I'll be back to the blog when I can.

New Year's blessings to you all!



  1. Making decisions and handling elderly parents with care and love is truly a challenge. January always brings me bittersweet memories...3 years ago my mother entered hospice and eventually passed away after years of struggling with health issues. I pray that your trip to Michigan will resolve some issues and that you will take comfort in knowing that you are truly a help to your family. Take care!

  2. All the best as you meet a situation which is not easy.
    I live within 15 miles of where my mother lives.
    In September my family was given a diagnosis for my father and in the middle of October my father became an angel. I have several younger siblings who live out of the state or our of the country so they came in and were able to spend time with my parents. We have all been thru our first holidays without my father. This month is my mother's birthday and we will see how we meet that day as we want it to be a special one for her.
    I hope that all goes as well as can be expected. Prayers for you in this new year.

  3. I wish you luck on your trip. I had to do the same thing with my parents when my Mother was failing with Dementia. It is tough stuff. They lived near me which made it easier. Good luck.

  4. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  5. awwww that's hard vicki. My husbands mother is faltering with Dementia - It's sad to witness. Thankfully she lives next door to her other son in Pa. They are great caregivers but it know it takes it's toll. prayers for a healthy and peaceful solution. xo

  6. Thinking and caring about you Vicki . . .
    And decisions and obligations.
    The prayer words spoke to me as well . . .
    Blessings for you and your family.

  7. Such a fine prayer. Will be printing it out for my journal. My heart goes out to you this morning as I close my eyes and send very positive mojo to you and your parents. Nothing harder than caring for your parents. Easier raising children. I had to leave my home to go care for both my parents when my children were very young. Thank God for a wonderful husband who completely took over the home front. Had to take a sabbatical for a semester. My parents died a yr apart and that time was hardest time of my life. Until last yr when my son had to have unexpected open heart surgery. Whew! All of it is tough. I feel your pain.
    My advice? Don’t think about tomorrow. Just do what you have to do to get thru each day. I remember putting my head on the pillow at night and breathing a sigh of relief that I made it thru that day. And one more thing? Get YOUR rest. If you are not strong you won’t be able to do what u need to do. Take care of yourself too.
    And remember that God has a plan and we must try our best to follow it. He won’t give us more than we can handle. My love is with you. Plz check in when you can to keep us posted. Love and Hugs!!

  8. Praying for you as you make that journey. So many of us are or have been where you are and my thoughts and prayers will be with you. Sending a big HUG your way!

  9. Sending huge hugs, love and prayers. I've been through this. It's very hard...hang in there.

    Jane x


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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