Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Current Events




I never post my opinion about politics, religion or any variety of current events that might be controversial. That is just not my style or the message of this blog. But, my beloved Alma Mater is caught up in something so horrible, I have to speak out and give my opinion. For those unaware, Michigan State University is at the center of the Larry Nassar sexual abuse scandal, along with USA Gymnastics, since he was a long time doctor in the Sports Medicine Clinic. In fact, it was recommended to me that I take my gymnast daughter to see him at one point. Thank god, I did not. There has been incompetent and tone deaf leadership, and our university president and athletic director have resigned. They are the first to go and will unlikely be the last. This is one Spartan who wants an accounting and a plan to move forward.

Now, there are accusations about the football and basketball programs and while separate from the Nassar scandal, suggest possible insular protection of athletes, even though as far as we know, legal procedures were followed. But, I will wait for the facts and trust that there is a way forward, even if it means beloved coaches must go as well.

Michigan State is a wonderful place, with caring alumni all over the United States and beyond, doing good things for the world. I do not believe that every Spartan should be villified for the actions of others, but we all bear responsibility to demand that changes are made. Sexual assault is a major problem in most college environments and while that does not excuse MSU, I hope we can be an example of how to support victims going forward. I'm angry, I'm heartbroken and at the same time, still hopeful that my university will make me proud in the end.

I have wonderful memories there. My husband and I met there and MSU is home to us. We can't let the bad guys take that away.

Go green.



  1. Very VERY well said Vicki . . .

  2. Well said my friend. As you know we’ve been their as our daughter attended Baylor and we were part of the Parent’s Network.


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