Friday, December 29, 2017

Christmas in Photos








What a Christmas we had. It was a whirlwind of family and friends and I wish I had taken more photos, especially since I only have one side of our family celebrations documented, but I think that just proves how much fun we were having.

It was a totally different Christmas for us without having our house, but we did the best we could to keep as many traditions alive as possible, while staying in a small apartment style hotel. Our extended family traditions remained and we had a lovely brunch at my sister's home on Christmas Eve, an equally lovely lunch on Christmas Day hosted by my sister in law and a late night stop to meet more of Megan's fiance's family in anticipation of the wedding. We continued the week with a cousin's game night at Dave and Buster's and a fun pub dinner with some good friends.

The Michigan weather greeted us with a vengeance when we arrived and made us remember why we chose to move to Florida. Snowy roads on Christmas Eve had us slip sliding as we travelled around metro Detroit and the bitter cold temperatures had us bundled up in the boots, coats and gloves we had not touched in a while. It was -2 the morning we left Detroit and we arrived home to 74 degrees. Quite a change in a few hours. But, it was beautiful to have a white Christmas.

It meant everything to be there with our daughters and extended family and while Florida is home now, Michigan will always be our home at Christmas time.

Have a wonderful weekend and the happiest of New Years.



  1. Sounds like you all had a wonderful white Christmas. Happy New Year!

  2. It is still snow covered and bitterly cold in Michigan -- I am thinking wistfully of your Florida weather today! :)

  3. It all sounds wonderful!! Glad you made it back to warmer weather safely! Loved seeing the photos of your "gang" and all the happy faces!

  4. Yay!!!!! I was wondering if you were going back up north for the holidays. I'm so glad you did and got to spend time with your family. But man, oh man....that snow!!! and cold!! we've been griping all week about these 30 degree temps. So strange!

  5. You have such a big and happy family! It makes holidays so wonderful. I love the smiling faces.

    We are definitely coooooooold here! I bet many out-of-towners pitied us!

    Happy New Year!

  6. It sounds wonderful, even the snow makes it all more like Christmas. Here in Florida it was 80 degrees and sunny, I at least wanted a cloudy day. Happy New Year.

  7. Looks like a wonderful Christmas reunion. Happy New year!!!!!

  8. Happy New Year Vicki . . .
    Happy you made it for a Michigan White Christmas
    and back home safe and sound to Florida . . .
    Quite the cold, white BLAST for you!

  9. We were in the Detroit area, too! Stayed in a suite hotel near Dave & Busters on M-59. Driving on Christmas Eve was tricky with the snow, but it surely was beautiful! Cold, but beautiful! Glad to be back in Texas - not as warm as Florida, but we'll take it!

  10. So glad you enjoyed a wonderful holiday with friends and family and SNOW : ) Wishing you all the best in this new year! So much to look forward to with a wedding on the calendar! Can't wait to see/hear details!


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