Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thanksgiving Week In Photos {Florida Edition}
















What a great week we had! We had such fun doing all the tropical things, with a little Thanksgiving thrown in for good measure. We went to several different beaches; some for the day and some for just a bit of magical sunsets. We shopped at St. Armands Circle and in Venice, saw palm tress with Christmas lights for the first time and took a lot of group selfies. We bar hopped to all the waterfront places and as my daughter likes to say; did a pina colada tour.

It was so great to be together for the holiday and really just be together in general. In the last six months since we moved, the girls were here in July, I have been to Michigan twice and once to Pittsburgh, so while I'm happy with the amount of visiting, being together for the holiday made it all seem normal again. And, having Megan's fiance with us made it even more special.

Uprooting your life has an effect, no matter that you love your new surroundings now more than you ever thought possible. It was hard for us all to know how the holidays would be in this new normal and this was an important piece of the puzzle. Now, on to making new traditions at Christmas.

Happy Thursday!



  1. Loved seeing, “this piece of the puzzle!”
    Happy, warm, smiles, thankful, perfect . . .
    Wonderful pictures Vicki!

  2. I know you loved having every one there with you! Making new traditions is fun. This is a special time in your life.

  3. I'm so happy your Thanksgiving puzzle piece fit perfectly for you! As I was scrolling through the photos you posted, my thought was that no words were really needed. Smiling faces in beautiful places....says it all!! Yes, now on to Christmas!

  4. I am so, so happy for you, Vicki! You have it all. The smiles on all of your faces tell that story!

    Jane x

  5. Vicki, your holidays looked wonderful. I bet everyone enjoyed the beach and time together.

  6. Oh what a special time:) I know that you enjoyed their visit and will look forward to seeing them all again soon! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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