Friday, November 3, 2017

Book Club Month Two




I am still feeling my new book club out and have decided at this point to take it for what it is. I won't be sharing pretty photos of table settings and lovely meals as before. It's just a different vibe and I'm hoping that it will evolve into something a little more social. I am the new kid on the block and don't feel right suggesting too many changes yet. But, give me a few months and I'll be bringing a bottle of wine to share and see how it goes.

It was a really good book discussion and what made it even better was that the author's mother lives in our neighborhood and joined us to give great insight into her daughter's writing. I really enjoyed the book (All Grown Up by Jami Attenberg) and the writing style, while some did not. Interestingly, it was just named to a list of books to read if you enjoy This Is Us, because of all the timeline jumps and twists that occur. It is a rather dark book and what I would describe as a literary novel, rather than mainstream fiction, but as always, a book club is a great way to go out of your reading comfort zone and discover an enjoyable book you may not have otherwise chosen.

Next month we are reading Lisa See's lastest book, The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane, so that should be more of a crowd pleaser.

Happy Reading and have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Bet the wine will score points with the new Book Club!

  2. I loved Lisa See's book and chose it for my book club. The reviews were mixed. Enjoy your weekend and start researching a new book club. Sounds like this one isn't going to last long.

  3. Yes to the wine!! Thanks for the review and news of the new book club.

  4. How bout you offer to host it at your house and show 'em how it's done!!!
    You may start a trend of "fun" book clubs!!!

  5. I'm sorry your book club isn't too social. Maybe try to find a different one. I was going to a morning Bible Study recently and it just wasn't what I was looking for. I was basically making myself go each week, and decided to just stop and find something else. I enjoyed the ladies in the group, but the format wasn't right for me. Hope you find the right fit.

  6. You will have that book club jazzed up before you know it:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  7. I think it is always interesting to read other peoples suggestions. Maybe we should start a blog book club?


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