Thursday, October 19, 2017

Saying Yes To The Dress






It was a whirlwind few days in Michigan and though the weather wasn't as picture perfect fall as I had hoped, it really didn't matter, since spending time with my daughters was really the important part of the weekend.

On Saturday, we (Megan, Melissa - the maid of honor, Megan's future mother in law and me) had two appointments at bridal salons and had high hopes that Megan would find her wedding dress. Our first appointment was everything we had hoped it would be and we all were in tears when she tried on the perfect dress and the stylist put a veil on her. Since we had another appointment, we didn't place an order, but when the second bridal salon was a bust and Megan could not stop thinking about the dress from the morning appointment, we called and ordered it before they closed for the day. We drank champagne to celebrate and talked about a lot of wedding details that need to be finalized soon. It was just a lovely and emotional experience and I'm so glad I was able to be there.

Sunday was a blustery and chilly day, perfect for brunch followed by a visit to the a local cider mill. It's a quintessential Michigan thing to do in the fall so, we drank hot cider and ate fresh doughnuts, all the while, just a little sad that the weekend was coming to a close and Megan would have to head back to Pittsburgh.

Now, I'm back in Florida, missing my daughters, but looking forward to all the exciting things ahead as we move towards the wedding day in August.

Happy Thursday!



  1. Exciting . . . “when we know, we know” . . .
    And the answer is YES!
    Great for you to be with Megan . . . and the rest of the family . . .
    sorry Michigan gave you such a RAINY WEEKEND!

  2. Hi Vicki, I have been for quite some time. It sounds like it was a great time. Happy the wedding was found, very important.

    Love the blustery days of fall and Hot Cider and baked goods. We do that in Northern Jersey but it hasn't been very cool, bummer for us who love it.

    I'm back.


  3. Such fun and exciting times! Can't wait to read about all the details! I just know she is going to be a gorgeous bride!

  4. Such a special mother daughter moment. Glad she found the one!!

  5. How exciting for you to be with her when your daughter found "the dress".

  6. It is so great that you could be there for the dress!! Cider and donuts. Oh my!! Yes, please!

  7. How exciting! I am so happy for all of you that she found the perfect dress and you were all there to experience it with her.

  8. Love following your wedding journey! Glad she found the dress. Have a great week.

  9. We are in the middle of wedding plans last year at this time. Since the bride's mother chose not to participate, I got the joy of accompanying my future daughter-in-law to "say yes to the dress". We had a similar day -with the perfect dress obvious to everyone. It's a great memory to treasure.

  10. That is such a fun part about planning a wedding! I had a lot of fun with my two daughters shopping for their dresses. (I am finally blogging about the first wedding now and up to my eyeballs planning the other one!) I am looking forward to following along with your planning!

  11. I loved dress shopping with my daughter and look forward to doing that again when my youngest gets engaged. Such an exciting time-enjoy every minute!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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