Friday, October 6, 2017

3 Things




So, I went to a new book club last night at my neighborhood's clubhouse. I didn't have high hopes that it could even be close to the same experience I am used to with my former book club, but I was hoping for the best. It was fine, just very different. Everyone was very welcoming and I'm sure over time I will get to know these ladies better and that will help. Since it meets in the clubhouse, it feels completely different than being at someone's home (even though our clubhouse is extremely nice). It was definately more about the book discussion, rather than socializing and if you can believe this - there was no wine! I'm going to have to see if I can change that :-)



I went to a garden center to replace some plants that I lost during Irma, and was really surprised to see all the mums. It seems like it would be way too hot here in Florida, but since they were very inexpensive, I decided to buy one and give it a try. So far, so good, since it's in the shade on my porch and I've been generous with the water. It's a little hard to get in the fall spirit here, but I do love a pretty mum in October.



This photo is circa 2011 and it really makes me feel nostalgic seeing my then college and high school aged daughters in our old home. But, it's a favorite and since it's rivalry week in Michigan, it's worth another post. The University of Michigan (Megan and her fiance's alma mater) is playing Michigan State (alma mater for me, my hubby and Melissa) on Saturday night, under the lights in a nationally televised game. The hatred is real between the two fan bases, but in our family, we have fun with it and all rivalry comments are done with love.

Have a wonderful weekend and Go Green! (Sorry Meg!)



  1. Well at least the NEW book club will give you some new reading ideas.
    (Although I think you have that pretty down pat!). (and you can bring up the wine idea!)
    Mums in Florida makes me smile . . . but who knows, maybe it will work.
    Hibiscus work for me here in Michigan . . .
    How fast I had pushed Irma out of my mind, you are still dealing with some of it!
    Adorable picture of your girls. Great rivalry weekend all over Michigan,
    I will be cheering with you!
    And when is that wedding??

  2. Isn't it interesting how different book clubs can be? My old book club was serious about our book selections and being sure to read. We would generally take something from the book to use as a theme for the evening. My new one is super laid back, gather at various homes with light refreshments and discuss the book. The bunco groups in our area are the same way, very different.
    I am sure my hubby will be glued to the TV as well.

  3. No wine at a book club?? Who's planning that thing??

  4. I bet if you show up at the next book club meeting with a bottle of wine to share, the idea will catch on quickly! Good luck!

  5. It's so hard to join something new, especially when you enjoyed the old group so much. Give it time. Moving is not for sissies. Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Hang in there! It's really hard to find the right groups when you move. You'll find your "crew" soon. Have a fun football weekend!

  7. I hope you enjoy your new book club and make new friends! We have rivalries in our family too:) Georgia/Georgia Tech Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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