Thursday, September 7, 2017

Irma Update




Our first hurricane watch has got me stressed! From what I can gather by watching all the forecasts, both national and local, it is quite unusual that the impact on pretty much the whole state is unknown at this point. I just want someone to tell me whether we should stay or go and the local weather reports from Tampa seem to be saying that the storm is turning east and the gulf side should be only getting tropical force winds. The national reports seem to be more about hedging their bets and creating panic.

We will be fine whatever we decide. Our cars are full of gas, we have plenty of food and water and the hurricane shutters are up. Our house has new construction, with all kinds of hurricane codes. Later today or in the morning we will bring in all the outdoor furniture. If we decide to leave and head to north Georgia, where I have a hotel reservation ( that I booked several days ago), we will leave in the early hours Friday. In some ways, that prospect seems even more nerve racking, because I 75 north is basically a parking lot and there are gas shortages to deal with.

And, for what it is worth, my daughter Melissa works in the airline fuel industry and has access to extensive and accurate weather reports. She passed on to me that her people feel the gulf side of Florida will be fine. At this point, I will take any kind of reasoned report not designed to create panic (I'm looking at you The Weather Channel).

Prayers for all of Florida are appreciated.



  1. Continue to pray for all. The unknown is always scary. As you know we are in Atlanta, and have plenty of friends and family here who would take someone in if needed.

  2. Oh my goodness! I can't imagine what you must be going through. I made sure Stephanie checked on her dad and friends. Her dad has chosen to stay in Orlando and her Miami friends have evacuated. Praying all goes well for you and you survive your first official hurricane!

  3. Vicki, we are all thinking of you!!

  4. We're in the Upstate of SC, away from the coast, but they're saying now it will likely come inland at Savannah and we'll have wind and rain all the way up here. It's better to be safe than sorry, so glad you're doing everything you can to prepare.

  5. Praying for you as I watch the weather report🙏🏼. Stay safe❤️

  6. Keeping you in my caring . . .
    The stress of reports, maybes, might be, 24/7 has to be dreadful.
    Thank you for keeping us informed.

  7. Ill keep you all in my prayers! Stay safe and do what you feel is best.

  8. Hate to be Debby Downer here but safe is always better because we NEVER know the path those crazy storms will take. BUT with being said, if you haven't gotten out yet, may be better to stay and pray the reports that it does more east are correct. I had to evacuate during Katrina and a trip that should have taken 4 hrs took 10...with me watching the gas tank like a drunk grandma. And the road rage???? Unbelievable. People running out of gas and turning into monsters. One of scariest experiences of my life.
    A work associate of my husband is trying to get here from Florida for big contract meeting. He told us this am that traffic on interstates is at complete standstill.
    I am SO sorry that you're having to deal with this in your first season. It's such a part of my life that we take it in stride. But I'm gonna remind you in January when you've got shorts and flip flops on just how worth it all is!!!!
    Praying for y'all. Plz keep us posted as you can😘

  9. Praying for you! Please be careful and stay safe!!!

  10. Just getting to some of the blogs. If you have shutters up and things put away, you might want to just stay put. As you have seen, the track has changed a bit and still may change again. Just be safe. The roadways are jammed.

  11. IM originally from FL (born and raised) - stay afe Vickie. you have our thoughts and prayers for sure. Some of my family evacuated to us and some have stayed (mostly those required to stay for work FD/PD). GOD BLESS - #FloridaStrong <3

  12. Be safe, Vicki. Such shame you have to go through this so soon after your move.

    Jane xx

  13. Hang in there and stay safe my friend. praying for all in Flordia.

  14. Thinking of you this morning as the hurricane makes it's first landfall. Sounds like you are prepared. Glad your new home has been built with better construction to withstand these kinds of conditions. Let us know how you are as soon as you can. Hugs from Michigan, Liz


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