Monday, September 11, 2017

Irma Update #2








Just a quick check in and some photos from my neighborhood and downtown Venice. We are safe, our house is safe and Venice dodged a bullet when the eye moved west and weakening occurred. We have no power, but the water has come back on. There are many terrifying stories and it has been a stressful week for the whole state. The west coast of Florida was hit hard, but the east coast ended up almost worse, because they were battered all day and night with the bad (dirty) side of Irma.

When I can, probably in a few days, I will post our Irma experience. Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers.



  1. Glad you all are safe. We still have family hunkered down here.

  2. It is wonderful to hear that you are okay. By brother lives in Lake Placid and he called me this morning at 5 AM our time and said that they were fine as well. This is all good news . . . things can be replace but loved ones can not. So happy that you are safe.
    Connie :)

  3. So happy you and your new home are safe:) Prayers for all affected by this storm! HUGS!

  4. Glad to hear that you are safe and sound. : )

  5. Happy to know you are safe . . .
    Many stress filled days I am sure . . .

  6. Glad to hear all is safe. How scary!

  7. Good to know you are safe and your home escaped damage. It's been quite something following all this on tv.

  8. Hang in there. What an experience for you and your husband. Just glad you are safe.


  9. I am glad you are safe, I was thinking of you. xx

  10. Glad you are safe--relieved to read your post!

  11. I'm trying to catch up here. I'm not sure I can put into words all we experienced with Hurricane Irma but I'll be trying soon too!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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