Friday, September 15, 2017





We finally were able to return home yesterday after 5 nights in 2 different hotels in Georgia. We had another hotel booked on the way home, in case we couldn't make it, due to flooding in the area threatening to close the interstate. I'm so happy to be home and am grateful for the following:

  • That we are safe, our new home was not damaged and our beautiful stretch of the gulf coast, including the beach towns, restaurants and bars I love, sustained minimal damage and are able to reopen once power is restored.
  • That we have power, unlike so many in Florida who are dealing with the daily misery of temperatures in the 90's post hurricane. While we were lucky, my heart breaks for others in this beautiful state who lost everything.
  • That so many states are sending everything they can to help with recovery. As we were driving both north and south on I 75, we passed convoys of utility trucks coming to help, trucks with building materials and generator after generator
  • That so many family members and friends reached out to us, were worried about us and even offered a place to stay if the worst had happened. We definitely felt the love.
  • That we are home and that after I write this post, I can go have coffee in my favorite mug, go to the grocery store (not sure if they are stocked, but I'll try) and generally go about my day. Normal sounds pretty good!

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I am thankful too Vicki! Have a blessed day in your beautiful new home and city! HUGS!

  2. Glad that you are doing ok, Vicki. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. So glad to hear you're back and all is mostly well!

  4. And I am grateful for your blessings of safety and home'

  5. I am so happy that you had no damage and that your power is back on!! Good news to read!

  6. You must be so relieved. I hope more and more people get their power back on so they can go about the business of restoring normalcy. -Jenn

  7. Thank you for your Thankful Heart . . .
    So many still without power . . .
    I have heard the mosquitoes are horrible . . .
    Not sure why that bothers me in the midst of all the REAL devastation.
    Except that it makes me think of all the other things
    that can still emerge from Irma's onslaught.

    Relieved, thankful, that you are safe . . .
    with no flooding, damage to your new home.

  8. Whew! So happy y'all are home WITH power!! Horrible way to get introduced to the south....I promise the good will far outweigh the bad!!!😘

  9. That's wonderful vicki!!! did you see that viral photo of those handsome police officers working Irma in Florida? I got the biggest laugh out of the comments. have a great sunday.

  10. Vicki, welcome to living in Florida. I too am from Michigan and it was quite a shock to me when I rode out my first tropical storm let alone a hurricane. Although I did live through two tornadoes in Michigan. I am glad you are safe and your home is too. Thank you for visiting my blog, it has led me here to you.

  11. Glad everything is ok. There's no place like home! Aloha!

  12. Vicki, life has been keeping me pretty busy and I haven't visited for awhile but realized you had completed your move to Florida and am so glad to hear you all are alright! I'll be back to see your new home and how your are liking living the FL life. Take care!! Zenda

  13. I'm so glad you were ok. And also thankful that you had power and A/C. Even with the Harvey flooding, we maintained power which really helped us dry things out faster. Also, I was thankful for about 2 weeks of mild weather in the low 80s. Made the work a lot easier.


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