Friday, September 29, 2017

Fall Reading List


There has been a lot of change in my life this year, but there is always one constant. No matter how busy I am or what my day may bring, there is always a book that I am in the midst of reading. I may read for hours, or I may read a page here and there. When I finish one, there is always another ready to start. It used to be a stack of library books, but now, with my iPad, there is a whole world of books, just a click away.

I love to write these posts about books, whether reviews or this kind of post; a post about the books I plan to read in the next few months. There is always wonderful possibility in a list like this. The possibility that one of these books will be one of those great stories that are impossible to put down and stay with you, long after the book ends.

My fall reading list is my usual mix of mysteries and detective books by authors I love, as well as novels that either have been recommended to me or that I have stumbled across browsing Amazon. There's also one that looks appropriately spooky for October. Happy reading!











  1. Looks like a great list, Vicki. I'm writing my books and tv post as we speak. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. I finished When We Were Worthy this week! Can't wait to read what you thought of it.

  3. You always post about interesting books and authors I've not read before. Thanks for the reviews!

  4. I always like to see what other people are recommending! Thanks for the list. -Jenn

  5. I always enjoy your recommendations. I have a pile waiting-I've gone back to 'real' books. I just love floating around Barnes and Noble, and coming home with a nice stack for my nightstand.

    Jane x

  6. I love seeing what you are reading:) Makes me wanna grab one of these books and go to the beach! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  7. such a great reading list. Let us know what you think of them.
    Have a great weekend.

  8. I'm adding some of these to my list now too. I'm currently reading The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley which is pretty good so far.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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