Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Too Far Away





One of life's hard things is being away from your adult child on their birthday. You want to wake up in the morning and make them pancakes. You want to plan their favorite meal for a special birthday dinner, watch them blow out their candles and open their presents. You want to give them a birthday hug.

So, when you are many states away, you do what you can from afar. You send little surprises that are guaranteed to make them smile. You go that extra mile to compensate for your presence and hope that their friends and coworkers will pick up the slack. You text, you call and you wish more than anything you could be there in person.

Happy 24th birthday to my pretty, smart and strong daughter Melissa!




  1. Happy Birthday Melissa! I know she feels your love:)

  2. Happy birthday, Melissa! And Vicki, I know how you feel!!

  3. I feel the same. Thanks for expressing the love I, too, have for my daughters.

    Happy Birthday to Melissa!

    Jane x

  4. Happy Birthday to Melissa!! I know how you feel! Stephanie was out of the country for her birthday.


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