Friday, August 11, 2017

Ordinary Days




I'm definitely settling into a routine here, but still can't believe I live in such a beautiful place. Will I ever get used to all the palm trees everywhere I look? I hope not. When I knew we were moving, I knew I would be ok, because I am such a homebody and really can be content in my house, my neighborhood and my city. With that said, I did just travel to Pittsburgh to see Megan and already have a flight booked to Michigan later this month to see Melissa, my parents, my sister and my friends. I really do miss everyone and am very happy I will be seeing and hugging them soon.

Speaking of friends, it's been a slow process making new ones, but it's early days yet. There are some ladies at yoga that I have connected with and I think I will invite them over for a post yoga lunch sometime soon. There is a ladies wine night at our clubhouse next week that I might try also. We still have many houses being built on our street and many neighbors to still move in, so I'll just wait and see what happens. No one spends very much time outside at the moment due to the heat, but we are almost through the worst of it and I'm sure people will be out and about.

I have been going to the Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings and enjoy that. I'm considering volunteering there, because it would be a great way to meet people too. I love going to yoga on the beach and as soon as it cools off a bit, I will explore some new places to walk.

I make a point of sitting on the lanai every day at sunset and just taking in the beauty of sky, the reflection on the water and the quiet as night slowly falls. It's very peaceful and a great spot for a glass of wine.

Ordinary days in Florida are pretty good.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Vicki, ordinary days are the best...aren't they? I know you are figuring out what your new ordinary days are. Volunteering somewhere would be a great thing to do. When we moved back to Texas 5 years ago, I immediately joined Bunko and book club. Those two things helped me bond with people immediately. I did realize when we moved into a new neighborhood that everyone was new and we were all hoping to meet others. You might have to stretch out of your comfort zone and invite the others over. That's what I'll probably do here at our new house.

  2. I so agree with you about the ordinary days!! SO glad you are feeling so at home already!

  3. Sad to say but our hot summer days are far from over...would love cooler temps and a change of season, but alas those are few and far between around here. I would even relish rainy days about now! You are gonna make so many new friends in your area ... I think it would be so fun starting over like that. Old friends and new-cool! Just wait till football season. You've never seen anything quite like SEC fans....and now you can be both...SEC and Michigan!!!!!
    I'm gonna be down in Navarre beach end of sept on girlfriend I wish it was closer to you so we could meet up!! I think I'll google it right now..I've been known to drive far and wide for my gal pals!!!

  4. Ok so now my husband is cracking up! He says we were prolly closer in distance when u were in Michigan! Joking, of course. 7 hrs between Navarre and you😩 Oh well....

  5. Sounds like you are finding your 'place', Vicki. And the freedom to go home to visit is an added plus. Enjoy your wonderful new life...although I know you are.


  6. You make "starting over some place new" sound positive and the best!
    What an inspiration . . .
    How fortunate you can travel back a bit . . .
    Catch a MSU game too?

  7. Making new friends is hands-down the hardest part about moving. I hope that happens soon for you. But the peaceful rhythm of that new home sure looks lovely.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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