Friday, July 14, 2017

New Places to Walk






Walking is definitely different in Florida. I have needed to make some adjustments, but all in all, it has been fun discovering new places. Usually I walk in my neighborhood, because I like seeing all the houses, landscaping and seeing the new construction that changes daily. I'm hoping it is also a good way to meet new people. In Michigan, I usually tried to walk between 5 and 6 pm and it was rarely too hot at that time. Here, I need to wait until closer to 8 pm and it usually is quite comfortable. The sun sets earlier here, on the east coast of the USA, so that's pretty close to sunset and I'm always mindful of finishing my walk before dark to avoid any unwelcome surprises from alligators.

While I prefer to walk in the evening, rather than the morning (it's better for my blood sugar), today I drove to downtown Venice and took a lovely walk from downtown to the beach. There is a shaded path that runs through the middle of a boulevard and shade is definitely my friend here, even fairly early in the morning. The gulf was beautiful and even though dogs aren't allowed on the beach, my puppy and I sat on a bench in the pavilion for a few minutes and enjoyed the shade and the view.

There is another walking path I will try soon, but need to get there fairly early since it follows the intercostal waterway and there is no shade at all. I'm hoping to spot a few dolphins on that walk.

It's all very different than my former walking paths through the woods, but new sights are always interesting. As long as I have water, a hat and most importantly my favorite walking buddy, my walks will be part of my new life here.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Back in the days when I spent a lot of time on Sanibel Island, I used to love my early morning and sunset walks on the beach. There was always something interesting for this Michigan gal to see. I'm sure you'll make many interesting discoveries as you explore the paths of your new life. :)

  2. Yay!!!!! You are gonna LOvE winter! Or the lack of it!!! Hope you have all those coats away!

  3. You sound like me, water, a hat and a dog are essentials for walks.

  4. You certainly do have a walking buddy and a cute one at that! Glad your settling into your new location. Anything with a beach has to be good!!

  5. I'm glad you are finding some walking paths in your new home. It can be an adjustment going from woods to the hot south. Going in the evening is definitely the key to staying cool. Being near the water helps too.

  6. Finding new sounds wonderful . . .
    Morning walks are my favorite . . . much cooler!
    I have heard about a tiny frog, toad like critter in Florida
    that a friends dog got in his mouth during a walk, supposedly poisonous,
    and things turned out very sad. So keep an eye out.

  7. Sounds perfect to me:) I just returned from the beach and enjoyed every single moment of it all! Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  8. You are settling in quite nicely!!

  9. I'm so behind in reading blogs, but am glad you're out exploring and enjoying your new town and sites. Is there a newcomer's club in your town? That might be a place to start?


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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