Thursday, July 6, 2017

A Visit From My Daughters



It has been a wonderful week, a very special birthday and a fun 4th of July, so I know you will understand that instead of posting, I have been living life with my family. I pretty much put away my phone and iPad, so luckily the rest of my family did a really good job of taking photos of all the things we did. We really tried to show my daughters the area and as many of our favorite spots as possible. We have been to the pool and the beach numerous times and enjoyed our fair share of shrimp and fresh seafood. We have been drinking margaritas, pins coladas and mai tais. We did yoga on the beach to start my birthday and finished with a freshly caught seafood dinner, followed by drinks at a tiki bar. We shopped and restaurant hopped in St. Armands Circle and took a boat ride to a sand bar in the middle of the gulf for a beautiful sunset we will never forget. I was so happy to have my daughters here, in our new house and make so many new family memories together.

There are a lot of photos to show you, so I'll let them do the most of the talking today.














Happy Thursday!



  1. Great photos!! I know you had the best birthday ever!!

  2. Beautiful, beautiful pictures of time with your family!!

  3. Awww...I know it had to be the best having them there to celebrate with you!!

  4. It is so great to see so many big smiles!! Looks like you all had a wonderful time and how great to have both girls there with you. I know they will be back often!

  5. Fun, fun, fun🌴 The smiles tell the story of your wonderful time together. More to come, for sure. Have a blessed evening. Hugs

  6. Happy Birthday, Vicki Looks like you couldn't have had a better birthday! Great photos!

  7. Happy Days For Sure!
    What a great birthday . . .

  8. Happy birthday! It looks like you have settled into your new Florida life quite beautifully!

  9. Lovely photos of a happy family time. Belated birthday wishes - I'm sure you had a lovely time.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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