Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Yoga on the Beach





One of the things I was most excited about when we chose where we wanted to live in Florida was that every morning at sunrise and every evening at sunset, our new city had a free yoga class on the beach. But, the idea of being able to wake up and head to the beach and practice yoga whenever I felt like it seemed very far away and slightly unreal, especially during all those cold winter days as we prepared to move.

Yesterday, I was up and out of the house, early for me, but excited to finally take another step toward the lifestyle I had dreamed of. When I arrived at Venice Beach, there was a yoga instructor inside a circle of seashells with about 100 people of all ages circled around her. You spread your towel or mat on the sand and could either face the instructor or face the water. The sun was warm, the surf sounds were relaxing and it really was a beautiful spot for yoga.

It wasn't the most challenging practice, but a good workout is not really the reason I will go. It's about being outside, feeling the sun on my face, the gulf breeze behind me and experiencing and being present in the fact that I am very lucky and blessed that I can start my mornings this way.

Namaste and Happy Tuesday!



  1. I cannot even begin to imagine this! How fun!

  2. Can't think of a better place to practice yoga. Enjoy!

  3. I'm so happy and excited for you!! We have yoga once a month in the museum's gallery which is also a popular place to relax and do a nice workout. I'm just a sometime observer. This old creaky body can't even get down on the floor! Ha!

  4. Vicki... that sounds like so much fun! And I best you'll make some friends in the process. Enjoy your week!

  5. Sounds, looks . . . wonderful . . .

  6. I would join you if I was there:) Sounds like the perfect way to start the perfect day! Have a beautiful day dear friend, HUGS!

  7. That sounds wonderful! So beautiful...

  8. Now that is the way to start a day!! And the city offers it for free? Fantastic!

  9. What a perfect way to wake up the mind-body! You're part of beautiful community on that beach. Congratulations on the new lifestyle.

  10. THAT is so cool. I am jealous.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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