Thursday, June 22, 2017

Summer Reading List



It's always a difficult choice. Do I love to read in the summer when on the beach or at the pool? Or do I really prefer winter reading, with a cozy blanket and a cup of tea. Both have their charms and since I am now living in Florida with nice weather all the time, I need to have a book list that will be perfect pool side reading all year long. My summer reading list is filled with some new authors, but many are some of my favorites as well. There is a new book by Lisa See, a follow up to an author who's first book I enjoyed (The Widow), historical fiction (My Name Is Resolute) and several new crime series offerings ( Sue Grafton!) with characters who are old friends at this point.

Happy Reading!






DC Maeve Kerrigan Series


PI Sharon McCone Series


PI Kinsey Milhone Series


Police Chief Kate Burkholder Series


British Special Agent Maggie Hope Series



  1. Always love seeing what other avid readers are reading. Great selection.

  2. Linda Castillo is one of my favorite authors and I love her Kate Burkholder series!

  3. Oh dear . . . I will never catch up . . .
    But . . . thanks!

  4. Thanks for sharing! I have got to pick the perfect book to take to the beach next month:) Enjoy your day, I am sure you will! HUGS!

  5. The trouble with favourite authors is that they don't write quickly enough! I shall be reading the Anita Shreve book above on holiday.....and several more, I expect.

  6. Oh, that's a good list! I wish I had more time for lazing around with a book this summer.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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