Monday, June 12, 2017

Best of the Weekend




I'm still working on the house, but trying to also get out and do some fun things and try to start to feel like life is getting back to normal. Friday afternoon, after hanging some art on the walls, I packed up my bag and walked to the pool for a couple of hours. It was a perfect day; sunny and a little breezy, but great for jumping in the pool to cool off. I'm trying to pace myself in the sun and always wear sunscreen and a hat, because this light skinned girl will get burned very easily in the hot Florida sun. Later, I even cooked dinner for the first time in my new kitchen and I'll share the recipe this week.




Saturday, the weather was very rainy, but we had dinner plans with friends in town from Michigan and we just grabbed an umbrella and made the best of it. We had to eat inside, but still had a great time catching up. We anticipate quite a few friends calling us to make plans when they visit Florida. St. Armands Circle on Longboat Key is a great place to enjoy a night out.



There was more heavy rain on Sunday, which delayed my flower planting plans, but I went shopping instead and found some pillows and other things I still need to pull everything together. It will be a process and you will get a peek every now and then until I can show you a complete room.

Happy Monday!



  1. Sounds perfect to me:) Enjoy each day dear friend, making new memories in your new home! HUGS!

  2. Sounds dreamy wonderful to me . . .

  3. Love you pillow! Glad you are getting acclimated! Have a good week.

  4. SOOOOOOOOOO happy for y'all! And yes, you better acclimate to Florida sun. Especially when you're on beach. I would imagine the northern states never get sun as hot assets have it. Love to pool area...I imagine you'll get lots of books read there! Is your hubby home all day with you?

  5. Apologize for all typos. Auto correct on this phone kills me....

  6. Oh, we love St. Armand's Circle. Always a good time!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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