Thursday, June 8, 2017

All Moved In




The moving truck came on Saturday and it has been a whirlwind of a week since then, but I unpacked the last boxes yesterday morning and it feels really good to be finally in our new home. Because we downsized so much, I have found space for everything even though we went from a two story house with a finished basement to everything on one floor. But, we have large walk in closets in every bedroom, a really large walk in pantry and an extended garage for extra storage space. We even have room to spare, believe it or not. When the boxes started coming into the house and I started to unpack things that I thought were important to me and that would fit with Florida decor, I realized quickly that another trip to Goodwill would be in order. Everything just needs to be lighter, brighter and more colorful. It will be fun to find just the right things to make it all feel like a Florida home.

There is still a lot to do, but since it is a new house, there are really just finishing details that we can accomplish over time. Next week a handyman is coming to install ship lap on a wall in the dining area and install the remaining ceiling fans we need. I need to find a rug for the living room and decorate the guest bathroom. I need colorful pillows and bits and pieces of beachy decor that I can find in all the cute little shops in downtown Venice. And, in the next few days (if it ever stops raining) I hope to fill some pots with colorful flowers. I am itching to discover what kinds of flowers I will find at the plant store.

The photo is just a hint of some of the new things we have found and as the rooms are finished, I will post more photos. Now that life is a little more back to normal, I hope to start posting on a more regular basis. I miss writing about all the little, day to day happenings that this blog is about. Thanks for hanging in there with me as my life took a huge u turn. It will be fun to bring you along on my Florida experiences.

Happy Thursday!



  1. I am SO happy that you are in your new home! Can't wait to see more:) Have a SUNNY day, HUGS!

  2. Congrats! Moving is not for sissies. Can't wait to see more pics. Good luck unpacking.

  3. Congratulations on your new home. I know you will have many wonderful years there. It sounds lovely. Enjoy the sunshine when it stops raining. We have had it here too. Blessings, Anne

  4. So exciting! Looking forward to seeing more of your lovely new home, and the beaches!!

  5. Exciting Vicki!
    I am happy for you and your husband . . .
    Looking at the collage I would say you certainly
    have made the beginning touches toward a beach feel home.
    Enjoy creating and finding all the "bits and bobs" to make it beachy and comfortable.
    Looking forward to seeing more of you and your new home!

  6. Good for you, and Congratulations! Wishing you the best in your new home.

  7. Well welcome to Florida! I'm so glad to hear you are moved in and beginning to settle in! When we first moved here 28 years ago, we went all pastel Florida colors. Then we switched to a more country look. Now we have more warm colors that have a traditional eclectic look and feel. Always fun to decorate! Can't wait to hear more about the things you find!!

  8. Whew! It's no small feat to move into a new home. 4 years ago we moved from our farm to the small town nearby. It's exciting to freshen up with new furnishings! It was a lot of work, but I had so much fun doing it.

  9. Your new home looks beautiful! I'm seriously considering moving to Florida from RI as a single empty nester mom. I graduated from U. of Tampa, so it would be just like going back. Your page has been the most helpful, so thank you!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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