Monday, June 19, 2017

A Sunny Saturday Morning







The sun was out, the top was down on the car and in order to beat the heat, we headed out early Saturday morning for a little exploring. Our first stop was for breakfast at a place that will probably become our regular breakfast spot. I love going out for breakfast, so I am happy to have found a place that compares to my favorite in Michigan. For the second time, I ordered their special plate of sautéed red skin potatoes and veggies topped with eggs. So good.

After breakfast we headed to downtown Venice for the Farmer's Market on one street and a small craft fair on another street. We were looking for some sort of metal art piece to hang on the wall of our lanai and found exactly was we were looking for; colorful and perfect for Florida. If you have been here, you know there are gecko lizards in abundance.

Because it was so beautiful and still early, we drove to Venice's South Jetty and took a stroll down the rocks to feel the gulf breezes and watch the fisherman. The water is so beautifully blue here. What a perfect way to spend a Saturday morning.

Happy Monday! I'm off to try the yoga class at our clubhouse and hopefully meet some more neighbors :-)



  1. Happy you are settling in and enjoying the perks of Florida living.
    Perfect piece for your new home!

  2. Did you ever dream when you lived up north that you'd have to be up "early" to beat the heat???? You're already sounding like a southerner!!!! Just makes my heart smile!!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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