Tuesday, May 2, 2017

In Between




It is a very strange time in my life right now. I am in between two things and I feel unsettled to say the least. We are living in a small rental condo and while it is very nice and even has private outdoor space (and a blooming lilac tree), it feels temporary and it isn't home. I am counting the days until we get to Florida and finally move into our new house, but am also dreading saying goodbye to everything here. I know everything will be fine in the end, but getting there is bringing up emotions I would like to get past.

This is the time of year when I would be thinking about planting flowers at the end of the month and watching my established flower gardens coming alive after the long winter. But, in this in between time, there is no need to wander the aisles of my neighborhood greenhouse and I will miss that. The bright side of my Florida house and gardening there is that I will be able to have year round flowers; not just in the summer and many new more tropical varieties to try.

These last few weeks will be busy with final arrangements, appointments and goodbye dinners and even a party. There is a lot to keep me busy and I'm concentrating on moving forward rather than looking back. The beach and a new life is so close. Yet, it feels so far when you are waiting.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. The "in between" won't last long and you will be on your way to your new home:) Can't wait to follow along with you as you decorate your new place and make new friends! HUGS!

  2. I agree . . . this in between time must seem a "bit off."
    Waiting, wondering, dreaming, wishing and goodbyes takes some patience . . .
    I am excited for your "tomorrow's" . . . soon, very soon!

  3. Time is funny that way, isn't it? I saw a toddler yesterday who reminded me of one of my own children, except that he is now 40. I well remember how some of those young-mother days seemed to drag, and yet they were gone in blink. We find ourselves in that strange space time and time again. I suspect there are treasures there, and I bet you will find them. :)

  4. I'm sure it must be weird being in-between, as you described it. It's nice that you have some dinners and parties to help you get through this purgatory-like state. Hoping you will love Florida as much as we do!

  5. We are in between too and I've had enough of it. :)

    We move in one month and just can't wait! Your new beach life is going to be amazing!

  6. "In between" is unsettling, but what waits for you on the other end is exciting! You've got a lot of great things coming in the next couple of weeks to carry you through!

  7. Good luck with all the transitions. I'm very familiar with the Land of In-Between...not my favorite destination : ) You'll be sitting poolside before you know it!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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