Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Finally Moving Day




I suppose I should be sad and it definitely is bittersweet, but mostly I am relieved that this part of the process is over. We have been working towards this for at least a year and I've had more than enough time to mentally prepare myself. Though I loved my house, like any 20 plus year old home, it had its quirks, as well as a list of things that needed updating. I feel happy to be out from under that and starting fresh with everything brand new.

My daughters were sad, but they also had a long time to process things and I think we are all looking forward to making new memories in Florida. We have almost two months, before we leave Michigan and I plan to fit it many favorite things. Melissa is planning to visit us in Florida about a month after we move in and that will help make the goodbyes a little easier. And, we have a wedding to plan here in Michigan and I plan on being a part of that as much as possible. I won't be missing that wedding dress shopping day!





As I sat in my back yard for the last time today, on a beautiful spring day, I couldn't help but think that as hard as it was to think of what I would be leaving, I am going to something even better. The three pictures above are things that make me most excited; the view from the living room and lanai, the pool surrounded by palm trees and sunsets at the beach. It will be a lovely life indeed.


Happy Wednesday!



  1. I am sure it was a bittersweet day, but as you said, you've all had a long time to process it. Knowing you have so many wonderful things to look forward to in the future I am sure makes it a bit easier. Looking forward to following along on the adventure.

  2. Congrats on making it to moving day and still holding on to your sanity. Enjoy every minute of your next chapter in life!

  3. Organized, tucked, packed, . . .
    Moving on . . .
    And so much to look toward to . . .
    Happy days Vicki . . .
    I hope we will still hear from you in these next months.
    Happy Easter . . .

  4. WoooHooooo!!!!! That pool scene looks like my backyard...and that means you're gonna be in my neck of the woods!!!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! You are just not even going to believe how much this awesome weather will change your life. Those cold gray days will be a thing of the past. And even when rain comes, we cherish it as they are few and far between! Happy Days ahead for y'all!!
    Only thing I worry about is now you might become a FLORIDA football fan and our LSU tigers have to kick their ass often!!!!!

  5. Beautiful photos! Starting a new journey with lots of new memories. That is terrific. enjoy your new home and never lose the memories of the old home. Have a blessed week.

  6. About 5 years ago we sold our home of 35 years and moved a few towns away. We were sad to leave the old house and all the memories of our kids growing up there, but honestly, we have never looked back. The memories come with you and the old roof and furnace stay behind! Where you're headed to in Florida looks like paradise! Try to rest up now because no matter how exciting, packing up your home and moving is physically and emotionally draining....take care of yourself while you wait for your new home to be ready!

  7. Good luck settling in and making your new home...home!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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