Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Another Goodbye





It seems to be a parade of goodbyes lately and it hasn't been easy at all. My neighborhood Bunco group met on Friday and since it was my last time, they were so thoughtful and sweet to commemorate the occasion with cake and a lovely gift.

I have been in this group for 21 years. That is a lot of rolls of those dice. Members have come and gone over the years and I still haven't wrapped my mind around the fact that now I am the one that is leaving. I had to drive there, rather than walk down the street. And, I had to pass by my old house which is also strange.

The memories come fast when I am with these women. There are memories of playgroups, carpools and many days outside chatting while our children played in each other's driveways. Memories of birthday parties, backyard barbecues and 4th of July Fireworks in the street. And, memories of a group of neighbors that were always there for each other. Goodbye Glengrove Drive - I'll miss you.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. Hi Vicki
    Where are you moving again? Been following your move! Are those tennis trophies in the background?? xo laura

  2. Vicki, it's so sweet but hard!! Your friends do love you. :)

  3. So wish I would have mentioned this to you before....but maybe more time if you're interested. When my husband and I left Vet school waaaay back when to begin our forever life, one of our friends made a lil notebook for each of us to carry with us on the days before we left. We had made the best friends EVER and knew because of all the many places we were all going to, we probably wouldn't see each other often again. I would have all these peeps sign my notebook with a lil picture beside it or a short note. To this day....I still get that notebook out just remember. And smile with some of best memories of my life. On those lonely days, I knew their hearts were with me on my precious pages of ❤️!

  4. We will miss you Vicki - make sure you let us know when you are in town for wedding planning so we can catch up!

  5. I'm guessing that the gals of Glengrove Dr. will happily come visit your new home, especially in say January or February!

  6. You are going to have lots of visitors!!

  7. The leavings are so hard. Once you're in Florida your heart won't ache quite like it does on this end of the process. Hang in there!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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