Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Another Goodbye





It seems to be a parade of goodbyes lately and it hasn't been easy at all. My neighborhood Bunco group met on Friday and since it was my last time, they were so thoughtful and sweet to commemorate the occasion with cake and a lovely gift.

I have been in this group for 21 years. That is a lot of rolls of those dice. Members have come and gone over the years and I still haven't wrapped my mind around the fact that now I am the one that is leaving. I had to drive there, rather than walk down the street. And, I had to pass by my old house which is also strange.

The memories come fast when I am with these women. There are memories of playgroups, carpools and many days outside chatting while our children played in each other's driveways. Memories of birthday parties, backyard barbecues and 4th of July Fireworks in the street. And, memories of a group of neighbors that were always there for each other. Goodbye Glengrove Drive - I'll miss you.

Happy Tuesday!


Friday, April 21, 2017

A Born To Run Book Club






This was a book club all about Bruce and it was such a fun night. One of our members is a huge Bruce Springsteen fan and she really wanted us to read his autobiography, Born To Run. And, she went all out on bringing the rock and roll atmosphere to us, with all the Bruce Springsteen memorabilia she has collected over the years. She showed us her favorite album covers, concert t shirts and precious photos of concert memories. She really is the cutest when she talks about her love for Bruce. We discussed the book with a concert playing in the background and we all agreed it was an interesting and well written story and we enjoyed learning about his life.

I must mention our wonderful dinner, pre book discussion. Our hostess served lemon chicken, a salad with kale, cabbage and cranberries, fresh asparagus and a wild rice dish with brussel sprouts, sliced almonds and Gouda cheese that was absolutely delicious.

And, to top off the evening, there was a surprise for me. I will be going to one more book club, but my wonderful friends surprised me with a going away gift and my favorite dessert. While enjoying strawberry topped cheesecake, I opened their lovely gift that I will always treasure. They gave me a Pandora bracelet with a state of Michigan charm, as well as an additional book charm to symbolize our years together at book club. A few tears were shed and lovely words were shared about how they will miss me. I really hate goodbyes, but we all agreed that a yearly book club get together in Florida is going to happen.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Good Friday Tradition






It's going on ten years now that we have celebrated Good Friday together as a group and it is a day I look forward to all year. We mix together faith and fun as only Catholics can do and we come away stronger with a true sense of community.

At the Polish Yacht Club in Detroit, we sit at the same long table every year, surrounded by others who have the same tradition. We partake in the worst Bloody Mary's imaginable, trying to improve them with a lot of salt and pepper, but laughing at how bad they are is also a tradition. There are platters of perch, potato pancakes and pierogis, as well as a basket of Easter colored Jell-O shots passed around for dessert.

Over the years we have gone to other churches for the last hour of the Good Friday vigil, but the last few years we have gravitated to the beautiful Gesu, right in the heart of the vibrant University of Detroit - Mercy neighborhood. The service is moving and the music is wonderful and you leave with a sense of peace.

This year after church, we headed to the historic Dakota Inn for German beer and snacks. A few of us even stopped at another bar on the way back home to the suburbs, meeting one of our friends who was unable to miss work that day. The sun was shining, a beautiful Easter weekend beckoned and we were with good friends - why not extend the day?

Of the many things I will miss when we move, this lovely day of faith, friendship and tradition will be high on the list.

Happy Tuesday.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Finally Moving Day




I suppose I should be sad and it definitely is bittersweet, but mostly I am relieved that this part of the process is over. We have been working towards this for at least a year and I've had more than enough time to mentally prepare myself. Though I loved my house, like any 20 plus year old home, it had its quirks, as well as a list of things that needed updating. I feel happy to be out from under that and starting fresh with everything brand new.

My daughters were sad, but they also had a long time to process things and I think we are all looking forward to making new memories in Florida. We have almost two months, before we leave Michigan and I plan to fit it many favorite things. Melissa is planning to visit us in Florida about a month after we move in and that will help make the goodbyes a little easier. And, we have a wedding to plan here in Michigan and I plan on being a part of that as much as possible. I won't be missing that wedding dress shopping day!





As I sat in my back yard for the last time today, on a beautiful spring day, I couldn't help but think that as hard as it was to think of what I would be leaving, I am going to something even better. The three pictures above are things that make me most excited; the view from the living room and lanai, the pool surrounded by palm trees and sunsets at the beach. It will be a lovely life indeed.


Happy Wednesday!


Friday, April 7, 2017

Moving On



The last box will be packed this morning, as I empty the last cabinet in my master bath. I am trying to process how I feel about leaving my house of 22 years and while I should be sad and nostalgic, I'm not yet feeling any of those emotions. It really has been a year long process for us and I think I have already mentally moved on. We have been diligently downsizing; selling, donating and throwing things out and generally making all kinds of hard decisions over the past few months and I am ready for it all to be over. My Florida house and lifestyle beckon and that pull is stronger than any attachment I have to a house.

I have been pinning on a board called "All Things Florida" just to get a feeling for what I want my Florida house to look like. I plan on taking things slow with decorating and finding just the right touches for every room. I'm looking for a coastal style without being too tropical or beachy, except possibly in the guest room. We will be buying quite a bit of new furniture and will be looking for neutrals and adding color with accessories. Below are some of the pins that caught my eye.






















Have a wonderful weekend!


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Still Celebrating






We spent another weekend celebrating my daughter's engagement and it was loads of fun. We also enjoyed having everyone in the house for a final time, despite the fact that a lot of the furniture was gone and we basically had 2 beds and 1 couch for 5 people. We spent a lot of time around the kitchen table and it was fine.

Saturday was the Green and White spring football game at MSU and we met Megan's fiance's family there. It was really great to see them again, because the last time we saw them was at The University of Michigan on college graduation day. It is a wonderful thing when two families come together to celebrate their children's happiness and we happily toasted the well loved couple several times. The wedding and all the events leading up to it will be much anticipated and everyone all seems on the same page with the type of wedding we will be planning.

The next thing to do is pick the venue within the next couple of months and come up with a date. I keep telling Megan if she makes a list and checks off one thing at a time, it will all get done, without a lot of stress. There are a million and one details, but we will make each and every one add up to the perfect wedding that reflects exactly who they are.

Happy Tuesday!


Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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