Friday, February 24, 2017

The UK Detectives




One of my favorite genre of books are detective (police procedurals) novels. And if the story is set in England, all the better. I love figuring out the detective's rank (DS versus DI versus DCI), the different vernacular and the descriptions of the English countryside or London neighborhoods. There are both female and male detective's on my favorites list, but if I am honest, it is the females I prefer. I find their attitude and choice of career so interesting and love reading about how they navigate working in a predominantly male environment. Some of them are flawed, but they are usually written as very smart and very strong willed.

There are many, many detective series out there and one of my favorite things is to stumble upon a new to me series, that I can read in order; the more books in the series the better. I find recommendations in all kinds of places (other bloggers can be a great source), but usually find something new by browsing Amazon. I have listed below my favorites and noted the main character. I have also linked to the first book in the series.

Happy reading!




  1. I love British crime fiction too! Here some new ones for you to discover (my current favourites):

    - Christopher Fowler's pecular crime unit series starring detective Bryan and May (London)
    - Caro Ramsay and her DI Anderson and DS Costello (set in Glasgow, my hometown)
    - Christopher Brookmyre's Sharp investigations (also set in Glasgow)
    - Ben Aaronovitch and his rivers of London series staring Peter Grant and some magic.

    Have a great weekend. x

  2. Another good place for ideas is the website Stop You're Killing Me. Two of my favorite features are listings of series in order and searching for books by region.

  3. Thanks for the list, I'm always looking for good recommendations! -Jenn

  4. Thanks Vicki . . .
    My "Vicki's Book Choices File" keeps growing!
    Love receiving the recommendations . . .

  5. Hi there Vicki! I need to find some new books to read! Thanks for the list! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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