Monday, February 27, 2017

Some Pretty Dresses



I did manage to see two of the Oscar nominated movies this year, so that was a win for me. I loved both LaLa Land and Hidden Figures, so any of their wins made the show a little more interesting this year. It seems that I really must see Moonlight. Jimmy Kimmel was pretty good, despite bringing too much political commentary into the night, but that was expected. He did move the show along and brought some humor ( loved the candy dropping from the ceiling) into the terribly boring middle section, during all the technical awards. Of course it is the end and the last few awards that everyone stays awake for and what an ending it was. I actually said out loud, "What is happening?" You can't help but feel bad for all concerned; the LaLa cast who had the Oscars in their hands, the Moonlight cast who were rushed through the awkwardness and the presenters who made the mistake.

But, beyond those moments, there were a lot of pretty dresses and some wins for some ladies who have not had a great award season when it comes to fashion. Nicole Kidman looked beautiful and that has not been the case lately. To me she finally went with pretty, rather than trying too hard to be fashionable. Here are some of my favorite looks, including hair and makeup. My favorite of the night - Kirsten Dunst. I have never seen her look so glamorous.






Happy Monday!



  1. Have to admit, I mostly watch to see who's wearing what. Most look pretty this year, as they kept their dresses simple. I know Steve Harvey is glad he's off the hook for the biggest blunder ;-)

  2. I enjoy seeing the dresses . . . , "the looks."
    I thought Nicole Kidman's dress, look was stunning.
    I agree, really lovely.
    Kirstin Dunst looked soooo good.
    I think Emma Stone needs color with her gorgeous hair
    and tiny, slight shape . . .
    I don't think anyone has ever captured her beauty . . .
    It isn't "just the dress" . . .
    It is a dress that fits with the person.
    I think we haven't seen that yet in her.
    Yet Nicole's look last night . . . was "spot on!"

  3. I loved emma's dress and also olivia culp's? I think that's her name. Oh and also Halle Berry's.....but not her hair!!

  4. I, too, enjoy looking at the dresses and even the men had on different suite/tuxes...matching shirts and ties...loved that departure.

    Jane x

  5. I haven't seen any of the movies but do enjoy seeing the gorgeous gowns:) Have a beautiful day dear friend, HUGS!

  6. I was so disappointed that I didn't make it home in time Sunday evening to see the Oscar's and all the beautiful dresses. I did see on social media yesterday that the Movie of the Year was flubbed by Faye Dunaway. How in the world can that happen?! Isn't there only ONE name on the envelope?

  7. Nicole's dress... she is just so stunning!! I haven't watched award ceremony's in such a long time. I do miss seeing what the stars are wearing.


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