Friday, January 27, 2017

This and That




Have you seen LaLa Land yet? My daughter Melissa and I went to see it last weekend (it's not my husband's kind of movie) and loved everything about it. There was so much hype, I feared it would not live up to my expectations, but it really did. It's beautiful to look at, fun, touching and unique all at once. I love all of the old time musicals and it definately had that feel, but in an updated way. It's amazing to me that this kind of old school movie was able to make it to the screen, let alone be so successful. Definately Oscars are deserved all around, but especially for Emma Stone. It's a cliche, but she lit up the screen with her performance.



Just a little complaint - The Grey's Anatomy mid season premiere was last night and I have been looking forward to it all week. We were left with a huge cliffhanger regarding Alex and I assumed that would be the storyline of this episode. Well, the episode was about something totally different and while good, it was a huge dissapointment to me after waiting two months to find out if Alex will go to prison. I love Grey's, but sometimes the writers play with the loyalty of the audience too much.


( Photo from 2016 )


See this blue sky? We haven't seen any for what feels like weeks. Michigan is in a gray, January gloom that is really wearing after a while. When you look at the future weather forecast and it's day after day of cloudy skies, it gives you pause. It's one of the reasons we are moving to Florida. This girl needs some sun!



After the holidays, I knew I needed to buckle down and eat a little more healthy, especially for breakfast. I found this almost instant, steel cut oatmeal and it has become my go to breakfast. The packets are perfect portion control, it's low carb and sweet without any added sugar. I usually add a handful of fresh blueberries to make it even more delicious. If you love oatmeal, but don't love the instant variety, this is a great alternative.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. I haven't seen that movie but I sure want to:) I don't watch Greys, but MOST everyone I know loves that show! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. La La Land was just OK for me. I do eat that oatmeal, though, and love it. Have a great weekend, Vicki!

  3. I, too, have been craving some sunshine . . .blue skies here in the middle of the mitten are scarce these days. Thanks for the tip on the oatmeal -- I'll try it! :)

  4. Haven't seen the movie, but I know so many loved it. My sweet MIL has said many times in the past week that it's a "dreary" day here in MI. Glad you finally got some sunshine.

  5. Mister Irish and I went a few weeks ago and loved, loved la,la, land!
    So refreshing . . .
    I keep trying Oatmeal, still not a fan, I think it is the Texture!
    But I made it the other day because my husband likes it,
    so that counts doesn't it!

  6. I loved about 95% of LaLaLand. I know that I'm a sappy, hopeless romantic but I didn't like the way the movie ended. I didn't feel like it fit with the rest of the story. I guess I will have to create my own version of the ending (alternative facts). ;-)

  7. I want to see La La Land. I have a huge crush on Emma Stone. And I feel you on wanting to see blue sky and sunshine. This winter is dragging on and on.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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