Monday, January 30, 2017

Sunday Afternoon at the Breslin




It was supposed to be a quiet Sunday. Maybe a little grocery shopping, cooking something in the crock pot and reading by the fire. But, when you get an early morning text from your husband asking if you want to go the the Michigan State versus Michigan basketball game, of course you say yes.

Any day spent in East Lansing is a good one and the game against our biggest rival was great. Very close the whole time and happily a MSU win at the very end. The Breslin is an exciting place to be, with a lot of crowd energy and noise, especially from the crazy student section, called the Izzone, named after our beloved coach Tom Izzo.

After the game, we walked back to the car as the snow began to fall and decided we were not quite ready to head home. We decided to stay and have an early dinner and it really was a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I know we will be coming back to campus for football games after we move, but the chances we will come back for a basketball game in the middle of winter are slim. So, we throughly enjoyed this spur of the moment chance to cheer for our Spartans.

Happy Monday!



  1. Nice. (We don't travel north in the winter anymore either!)

  2. How could you say no to a Michigan State/Michigan game at the Breslin!
    Fun day indeed.

  3. What fun! I love spur of the moment changes in plans!

  4. I love how much you guys support your Michigan state! I bet it was a blast!!!!


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