Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Mass Mob January






After taking a break for the holiday season, our Mass Mob group was back at it this past Sunday. If you are not familiar with my past posts about this, there are a group of us from our parish that attend mass together once a month at a different Catholic Church around the metro Detroit area. One person is in charge each month and picks both the church and a location for brunch after mass.

This month we worshiped at the beautiful St. Alphonsus in Dearborn and then went to the lovely and historical Dearborn Inn for a delicious brunch buffet. The Dearborn Inn was built by Henry Ford on the grounds of Ford Motor Company and is steeped in early twentieth history, like so much of Dearborn. It was a quiet and peaceful place to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Our group was a little smaller this time, but we were able to talk to the whole table, so that was a bonus. There were a few others at mass, but they were unable to join us for brunch. We keep things rather informal and all are welcome to come whenever they can make it. It's fellowship and friendship like this that will get us all through these times when the world seems to have gone a little crazy.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. I think this is such a great idea and love hearing about your group's Sunday outings. The old churches are usually so beautiful. Nice that you had a good time at brunch! Great way to kick-off 2017!

  2. I think that's the greatest idea - to visit other churches. You should bring that idea with you to FL! Have a great week.

  3. Enjoyed this post.You really have such a full and wonderful life, family and all.

    Jane x

  4. Love your "Mass Mob" idea . . .
    Right you are, fellowship and friendship
    will get us through these crazy times!

  5. What a fun way to support the churches in the community.


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